Mike Pompeo accused of plotting escape route back home during taxpayer-funded trips to Kansas

According to the Guardian, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been jetting back and forth between Washington his home state of Kansas for a number of bizarrely political events, including radio interviews, “workplace development” talks with first daughter Ivanka Trump, and — on one strange occasion — handing out State Department buttons emblazoned with “#Swagger.”

kylie @kcylizzle

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be speaking with Wichita State students this morning in an effort to recruit students to work as diplomats for the State Department. It’s unclear how these students were chosen to participate in this event.

kylie @kcylizzle

These buttons were just passed out to students.

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All of this has renewed the on-again, off-again speculation that Pompeo may be planning to run for Senate in 2020, as Sen. Pat Roberts is retiring — something that he has vehemently denied he is doing.

It is widely expected that if Pompeo were to run for Senate, he would lock the seat down, as he remains popular there and Republicans have not lost a Kansas Senate race since 1932.

View the complete November 4 article by Matthew Chapman from Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.

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