The following article by Shelby Black was posted on the Elite Daily website January 31, 2018:

Well, things seemed to get pretty awkward for a minute during the 2018 State of the Union. What moment was that, might you ask? Oh, it was when First Lady Melania Trump didn’t stand when Trump discussed “faith and family” during his address. Oops.
In his State of the Union Address, Trump stated, “In America we know that faith and Family, not government and bureaucracy are the the center of Democracy.” The comment was met with a standing ovation from the crowd.
That is, all except for an actual member of his family. Cut-throat, Melania, absolutely cut-throat.
However, who can really blame her? In case you’re not caught up with the recent Trump family drama, on Jan. 12 a report from The Wall Street Journal revealed that Trump took part in an alleged sexual encounter with pornographic actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels. What’s worse? This allegedly occurred very soon after the birth of their son Barron Trump. (In a statement to told The Wall Street Journal, Michael Cohen told the newspaper in a statement that he “vehemently denies” these claims. Adding, “This is now the second time that you are raising outlandish allegations against my client. You have attempted to perpetuate this false narrative for over a year; a narrative that has been consistently denied by all parties since at least 2011.” A White House official said allegations of the affair were “old, recycled reports, which were published and strongly denied prior to the election.)
According to The Wall Street Journal, Trump’s lawyers arranged to buy Clifford’s silence about the alleged 2006 encounter with a $13,000 payout. Despite the report, both Clifford and Trump’s lawyer, Cohen, have denied these claims of both the affair and buyout.
Even with the double denial of the allegations, it looks like Melania is still a little bit salty.
I mean, look at that face.
When reports surfaced about the alleged affair, Clifford wrote an email, obtained by BuzzFeed News, claiming that the allegations of both the sexual encounter and hush money are “absolutely false.”
Even with Clifford claiming false allegations, she’s gone on record to discuss her numerous encounters with Trump. She told In Touch about their first meeting, and his pretty aggressive way of getting her attention.
She said,
Then, as if we weren’t in enough pain already, she went on to basically allude that she’s the least of Melania Trump’s worries when it comes to her husband. Clifford discussed Trump’s alleged unwillingness to discuss Melania during their encounters.
She said,
Michael Cohen released a statement to The Wall Street Journal vehemently denying these claims:
“These rumors have circulated time and again since 2011. President Trump once again vehemently denies any such occurrence as has Ms. Daniels,” Cohen told The Journal.
Despite if the alleged affair is in fact true, it appears that Stephanie Clifford is benefitting off the drama. Following Trump’s State of the Union Address, it was announced on Twitter that Clifford is set to appear on Jimmy Kimmel.
Get the popcorn ready, folks. We’re in for a wild ride.
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