The following article by Max Greenwood was posted on the Hill website September 23, 2017:

In a statement issued Saturday, several doctor and hospital trade groups, including the American Medical Association and the Federation of American Hospitals said that the bill introduced by Sens. Lindsey Graham(R-S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) ultimately falls short of key benchmarks, weakening patient protections and the individual insurance market.
“While we sometimes disagree on important issues in health care, we are in total agreement that Americans deserve a stable healthcare market that provides access to high-quality care and affordable coverage for all,” the statement reads.
“The Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson bill does not move us closer to that goal. The Senate should reject it.”
The groups also slam the Graham-Cassidy measure’s proposed timelines and cuts to Medicaid, and calls for lawmakers to work on a bipartisan health care proposal.
“Health care is too important to get wrong,” the statement says. “Let’s take the time to get it right. Let’s agree to find real, bipartisan solutions that make health care work for every American.”
The statement was released collectively by the American Medical Association, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Hospital Association, Federation of American Hospitals, America’s Health Insurance Plans, and the BlueCross BlueShield Association.
The bill renewed the GOP’s push to repeal key parts of the ACA when it was introduced earlier this month. But its chances of passage grew significantly dimmer on Friday when Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) announced that he would not support the measure.
McCain was the second lawmaker – after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kent.) – to come out against the Graham-Cassidy bill. Supporters of the measure need at least 50 votes for it to pass before a Sept. 30 procedural deadline, after which the bill would require a 60-vote majority.
McCain’s opposition is likely to trigger other GOP senators to come out in opposition to the bill.
View the post here.