Majority Leader Winkler and Coalition to Kick Off 2019 Campaign for Driver’s Licenses for All

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA — At 11:00 AM on Thursday, February 21st, Minnesota House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler will join a broad coalition and representatives from the business community and law enforcement to kick off the 2019 legislative push for driver’s licenses for all. The statewide, multi-organization coalition and bipartisan group of legislators are committed to passing a state law this session allowing all Minnesotans, regardless of immigration status, to obtain driver’s licenses.

Speakers will include Minnesotans from across the state who are directly impacted by the current laws, business and law enforcement leaders who support the change, human rights groups and legislators.


  • Majority Leader Winkler
  • Rep. Aisha Gomez
  • Rep. Rod Hamilton
  • multi-organization coalition members
  • religious leaders
  • representatives from the business community, law enforcement, and
  • other legislators

What: Press conference to kick off 2019 legislative push for drivers license for all

When: 11:00 AM, Thursday February 21st, 2019

Where: Minnesota State Capitol, first floor stairs leading to the Minnesota Supreme Court

Categories: SD46
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