Local commentaries show united agenda

To the editor:

Since Feb. 22 there have been three thoughtful commentaries in the Bloomington Sun Current addressing gun violence.

All of them catalyzed one way or the other by the Feb. 14 killing of high school students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

In the March 1 Sun Current there also was an article, ‘Paulsen responds to Orono threat,’ that included thoughts from U.S. Rep Erik Paulsen, potential DFL-opponent Dean Phillips, and co-chair of Indivisible CD3, Laurie Wolfe. None of the comments threatened Second Amendment rights or proposed all guns should be banned. All of the comments agree on one thing – something must be done.

Bottom line for me, this is about killing innocents, many of whom are our children. I was deeply troubled by the words of Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference. “There is no greater personal individual freedom than the right to keep and bear arms.”

I was stunned. Don’t our children (and all citizens) have rights, and shouldn’t they have priority concern over far too easy access to assault rifles in the United States of America?

Do something. Something beyond words. Something constructive, meaningful and lasting.

Amelia Kroeger, Bloomington
Bloomington Sun-Current, March 11, 2018

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