LETTER: Phillips advocates for lower insulin costs, Paulsen is lobbying for big pharma

To the editor:

Oh, how times have changed. Reading about how Rep. Dean Phillips has been advocating for lowering insulin costs in Congress with H.R. 4010, has me both excited and astounded.

A year ago, with Erik Paulsen we would have never seen our District Three representative working for such an important bill. In fact, Paulsen is now lobbying for big pharma. The ones who are trying their hardest to make life saving medicine inaccessible to people who do not have the means to pay the ridiculously high prices. But, Rep. Phillips is acknowledging how high insulin prices are and the inaccessibility with working on The Emergency Access to Insulin Act (H.R. 4010).

The bill will not only help people get emergency supplies now, but also plan for the future with how to continue having access to insulin.

We have long needed a solution to this crisis and with a person like Phillips in office we are finally seeing one start to arise.

Madeline Pukite, Minnetonka
August 13, 2019

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