The following article by Theresa Chalhoub, Aditya Krishnaswamy and the National Partnership for Women and Families was posted on the Center for American Progress Progress website June 21, 2018:
Efforts to Undo Pre-Existing Condition Protections Put Millions of Women and Girls at Risk

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) prohibits discriminatory insurance practices in pricing and coverage in the individual market. Before the law was enacted, women routinely were denied coverage or charged more for insurance based on so-called pre-existing conditions. For example, in the individual insurance market, a woman could be denied coverage or charged a higher premium if she had been diagnosed with or experienced HIV or AIDS; diabetes; lupus; an eating disorder; or pregnancy or a previous cesarean birth, just to name a few. The ACA provided women with protections for pre-existing conditions and access to comprehensive, affordable, and fair health services. Continue reading “Moving Backward”