Senate DFL Week in Review: April 13, 2018

WEEK SEVEN:  April 13, 2018

The legislative session last year ended in chaos – a result

of the Republican majority’s decision to pursue shadowy last-minute backroom deals instead of conducting their work in a manner that is transparent, accountable, and consistent with Minnesotans expectations of their state government. The Republican majority this year appears to be comfortable with repeating an approach that shut average Minnesotans out of the conversation. With five weeks left before the Legislature is required to adjourn, Republicans have yet to release a tax, bonding, or supplemental budget proposal. Minnesotans deserve better than late-night deals that take place behind closed doors. DFL senators are holding the Republican majority accountable and will be talking about the need for fair, transparent conversations about major issues that affect all Minnesotans. Continue reading “Senate DFL Week in Review: April 13, 2018”

Gov. Mark Dayton aims to limit tax increase on families; critics call it massive tax increase

The following article by J. Patrick Coolican was posted on the Star Tribune website March 26, 2018:

The tax plan Dayton recently outlined would cut taxes for most income tax filers while raising them on many businesses. Republicans, particularly in the state Senate, have offered a blistering response. 

Gov. Mark Dayton took on a nearly impossible mission with his new tax proposal: Prevent a state tax increase for Minnesota families due to provisions in the federal tax overhaul that became law last year without busting the state budget. And keep it fairly simple so it doesn’t become a bonanza for accountants and tax lawyers.

The tax plan Dayton recently outlined would cut taxes for most income tax filers while raising them on many businesses. It seeks to achieve the two-term DFL governor’s long-standing policy goals of a more progressive tax system, one that puts more tax burden on wealthier taxpayers while providing sufficient revenue for a host of spending priorities such as education and health care. Continue reading “Gov. Mark Dayton aims to limit tax increase on families; critics call it massive tax increase”

Tim Pawlenty Announces Run for Governor

Yesterday, former Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty, announced his campaign for governor of Minnesota. When Pawlenty left office in 2011, he left the state of Minnesota in economic shambles. Huge budget deficits, underfunded schools, and crumbling infrastructure are all parts of his legacy. Returning now from a lucrative job lobbying for Wall Street, Pawlenty is asking Minnesotans to overlook his failures, forget their hardships, and grant him another term as governor. 

“Minnesota needs a governor who will fight for everyday families. That’s not Tim Pawlenty.” said DFL Chairman Ken Martin. “As governor, he deprived thousands of Minnesotans of affordable health care. He jeopardized our children’s education. He devastated our budget, and left roads and bridges across the state to crumble.” Continue reading “Tim Pawlenty Announces Run for Governor”

Highest-ranking soldier in Congress offers McCabe pension-saving job

The following article by Alison R. Parker was posted on the ShareBlue Media website March 17, 2018:

© Victoria Sarno Jordan

Democratic Rep. Tim Walz, the highest-ranking enlisted soldier to serve in Congress, offered fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe a temporary job so McCabe could keep his pension.

The Trump administration fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe late Friday, two days before he was set to retire. That craven move put McCabe’s pension in jeopardy. But Minnesota Democratic Rep. Tim Walz quickly stepped up to protect it.

Saturday morning, Walz tweeted an offer to McCabe of a temporary — very temporary — job in his office. Continue reading “Highest-ranking soldier in Congress offers McCabe pension-saving job”

Dayton’s health care proposal is a no-brainer

As I travel around Minnesota, I hear about many concerns facing communities throughout the state. But there is one issue at the top of list—an issue that weighs heavily on families in every corner of Minnesota—and that issue is health care.

Health care should be a right, not a privilege. Yet many Minnesotans do not have health coverage or struggle to afford their premiums. A recent report from the Minnesota Department of Health showed that limited options and rising costs have forced over 116,000 Minnesotans to drop their health care over the last two years. We must take action to ease the burden of rising health care costs on Minnesota families and make health care more accessible, so no person has to risk going without health care coverage. Continue reading “Dayton’s health care proposal is a no-brainer”

Senate DFL Week in Review: March 29, 2018

WEEK SIX:  March 29, 2018

Legislative session reaches midpoint

In response to the historic March for Our Lives, DFL senators this week joined high school students and Minnesotans of diverse backgrounds to announce the Senate’s first comprehensive plan to address the epidemic of gun violence in our society. The new plan focuses on three categories: Schools, Research, and Gun Safety. Continue reading “Senate DFL Week in Review: March 29, 2018”

State Republican Representatives Introduce Right to Work for Less Bill

This month Republican Representatives Drazkowski, Quam, Hertaus, Gruenhagen, Lucerno, Poston, Green, Zerwas, Daniels and Cal Bahr introduced another bill to weaken support for middle class working Minnesotans with the Orwellian language named bill “right to work”.

This bill is designed to weaken unions and the support they provide to workers in negotiating wages and benefits plus protection from on-the-job employer harassment.

Interested in following the bill or letting the Representatives know your views (especially if you live in their districts), here’s the link.


Senate DFL Week in Review: March 22, 2018

WEEK FIVE:  March 22, 2018

We’re expecting the state contracts and pensions bills up on the Senate floor next week — here’s a bit more information about what that means.

The legislature’s first deadline is in the books

Under Minnesota law, “the Legislature shall establish by concurrent resolution deadlines for each regular session.” Deadlines help the Legislature narrow down the hundreds of bills introduced by lawmakers to proposals that have the best chance of becoming law. Continue reading “Senate DFL Week in Review: March 22, 2018”

Senate DFL Week in Review: March 15, 2018

WEEK FOUR:  March 15, 2018

Students across America have made their voices heard this month, from Florida, to Minnesota, to the Capitol in Saint Paul. We cannot ignore the bravery of these students and the demands they have: stop gun violence and make their schools safe. We’re listening & we’re ready to act.

MNLARS delays and excuses

For the better part of seven months, Republicans in the Minnesota legislature have held numerous public hearings and news conferences, written letters and opinion pieces, and even created their own websites to highlight problems with the Minnesota License and Registration System (MNLARS). But for all of their efforts to better-publicize the problems with MNLARS, they have done little to nothing to help fix those problems. But for all of their efforts to better-publicize the problems with MNLARS, they have done little to nothing to help fix those problems. Continue reading “Senate DFL Week in Review: March 15, 2018”