Category: SD44
Candidate Lawn Signs
It’s lawn sign season!
We’re gathering information on how you can contact campaigns and get a lawn sign showing your support for them.
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Ginny Klevorn will have my support in November
To the Editor:
It is so exciting that the hockey team from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is coming to Plymouth, Minnesota, to play in a hockey tournament! Wayzata High School is hosting the event later this month (March 22-25).
I am anticipating a strong outpouring of support for the Florida students. However, I would be remiss to ignore the fact that our very own state representative in 44A, Plymouth, Sarah Anderson (R), has a rating of A+ from the NRA. She accepted $3,725.32 from the NRA Political Victory Fund in 2016 (Vote Freedom First). Anderson was endorsed by the Minnesota Gun Owners PAC in 2014 (Sun Sailor 10-25-16). In an interview in the Sun Sailor (10-25-16), she stated that states that closed the background check loophole and saw resulting 46-percent drop in gun deaths are an “anomaly.” Continue reading “Ginny Klevorn will have my support in November”
Rep. Jon Applebaum (HD44B) Update: March 2, 2018
Rep. Jon Applebaum (44B) – Legislative Update
Dear Neighbors,
The 2018 legislative session kicked off last week. We have a busy agenda ahead of us that seems to be constantly growing. This session, we will look to pass a robust public works infrastructure bill, address consequences of the recently passed federal tax bill, take action to end the opioid epidemic, and other pressing topics. With the session constitutionally required to wrap up by May 21, the session will likely be fast paced. Please find below an update from the Capitol.
Working to save you money
President Trump’s federal tax legislation is causing numerous headaches for Minnesotans and for many of them, resulting in more money out of their pockets. Not only did it tip the scales even further to benefit the wealthy and big corporations, longstanding credits and deductions Minnesotans have counted on to ensure an even playing field have disappeared. Continue reading “Rep. Jon Applebaum (HD44B) Update: March 2, 2018”
Rep. Jon Applebaum will not seek reelection to the Minnesota House in 2018

On February 16, 2018, Representative Jon Applebaum announced that he will not seek reelection to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2018.
“It has been an honor to serve my hometown district, all of my constituents and the people of Minnesota for the past four years,” Rep. Applebaum said. “Thank you to my constituents for electing me as their representative. Thank you to my colleagues and the staff at the legislature for all the work they do. And thank you to my family, friends, supporters and volunteers, who helped in all my campaigns. Your support has meant the world to me. Continue reading “Rep. Jon Applebaum will not seek reelection to the Minnesota House in 2018”
Rep. Jon Applebaum (HD44B) Update: December 8, 2017
Rep. Jon Applebaum (44B) – Legislative Update
I’d like to start off by hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, with good times surrounded by family, friends and plenty of food. I also wanted to share some very exciting personal news: my wife Kate and I are expecting our first child this April. Since I work for you, I thought you may like to know!
As for updates from the State Capitol:
Budget Forecast
Earlier this week Minnesota Management and Budget announced the November Economic Forecast, which provides a preliminary financial outlook for the next legislative session. Unfortunately, the news wasn’t good, with a projected budget deficit standing at $302 million, when taking into account legislative funding not yet appropriated. As things stand now, this could balloon to $586 million in just over a year and a half. Continue reading “Rep. Jon Applebaum (HD44B) Update: December 8, 2017”
Rep. Jon Applebaum Update: May 3, 2017
Rep. Jon Applebaum (44B) – Legislative Update
There are just under three weeks left in the legislative session before our constitutionally required date of adjournment, May 22. This is a pivotal stage of the session that will determine whether or not we will finish on time and produce results that improve opportunities for all Minnesotans. For my part, I’m committed to passing a state budget that prioritizes the things that make our state such a wonderful place to live: world class schools, quality health care, jobs that support families and a transportation system we can depend upon. Indeed, the state budget represents a clear question of priorities, and I believe that given our $1.65 billion budget surplus, we should be able to collaborate on compromises we can all be proud of. Continue reading “Rep. Jon Applebaum Update: May 3, 2017”
Calling for Mayor Slavik of Plymouth to voice support and safety for immigrants
The following letter to the editor was posted in the Plymouth Sun-Sailor March 9, 2017:
Plymouth is home to many different groups of immigrants – Russian, Indian, Somali, and many, many more. Plymouth is home to the Northwest Islamic Center.
At the same time, hate crimes are on the rise (USA Today website). February 23rd a gay couple was attacked and told “You live in Trump country now” (Miami Mosques have been vandalized, Jewish Centers have been threatened, swastikas have been etched on cars in Lakeville, Minnesota. Schools such as Maple Grove High school are battling racism. A Kansas man recently shot two Indian men, killing one, while yelling “Get out of my country”. (NY Times). The list goes on, even in the Twin Cities.
Now, more than ever, we need our communities to come together. Many mayors across the nation, including Mayor of Minneapolis, Betsy Hodges, have publically expressed concern over the hate, support for members of the community, and statements of solidarity.
But we have not heard from Mayor Kelly Slavik of Plymouth.
K. Anderson