Rep. Debra Hilstrom (40B) – Legislative Update
Dear Neighbors,
The 2018 legislative session got underway at noon today. There is always a unique energy in the Capitol with advocates for a variety of issues filling the corridors. The legislature is facing a full agenda for a session that must conclude by May 21. I’m interested in hearing your input on what matters to you. Please take my short legislative survey here.
Ending the Opioid Epidemic
Last week I joined Governor Dayton, Senator Chris Eaton, Representative Dave Baker of Willmar and others to introduce a comprehensive package of legislation addressing the opioid epidemic. The proposal includes grants to local communities and tribal governments for prevention efforts, investments in Minnesota’s Prescription Drug Monitoring program (to better prevent “doctor shopping”), a variety of investments in treatment and recovery programs, and more tools for law enforcement and first responders, including providing a greater supply of the lifesaving medication Narcan. Continue reading “Rep. Debra Hilstrom (HD40B) Update: February 20, 2018”