![House DFL logo](https://i0.wp.com/www.dfl3cd.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/House-DFL-Logo.png?resize=225%2C225&ssl=1)
SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA – Today, the Minnesota House Transportation Finance Committee examined climate impacts on transportation in Minnesota. According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the state.
“It was important for our committee to hear the science-driven data from various climate experts regarding the intersection of climate and transportation,” said Chair Frank Hornstein (DFL-Minneapolis). “We must be intentional about the action we can take now to combat the effects of climate change for future generations.”
Climate experts and advocates in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors shared presentations to the committee, including: Frank Kohlasch, Climate Director of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; Chris Clark, President, Xcel Energy Inc., Co-Chair – MnDOT Sustainable Transportation Advisory Council; Bree Halvorson, with BlueGreen Alliance; and Paul Douglas, Senior Meteorologist and founder of Praedictix.
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