Rep. Cedrick Frazier (HD45A) Update: March 15, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

It’s an honor to serve our community at the State Capitol. The legislative session began January 5th. I’d like your feedback on the issues that we are discussing this year.

As your Representative, I am committed to ensuring that the State of Minnesota supports all residents as we recover and rebuild from COVID-19. I am focused on policies that will increase access to affordable health care, ensure public safety, work for quality education, expand protections for workers, and create targeted job training and workforce development to ensure economic opportunity and security for all.

If you’d like, please complete and return this survey. Feel free to get in touch with me anytime. I appreciate hearing from you!

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Rep. Michael Howard (HD50A) Update: March 15, 2021

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Dear Neighbors, 

Last week saw more optimistic news for our state. More Minnesotans continue to get the vaccine ahead of schedule, guidelines are being safely loosened on businesses, and if we play this smart, a healthy summer with our loved ones is within our reach. 

Here’s the latest from the State Capitol:

New Guidelines for Businesses and Gatherings

With over 70% of Minnesota age 65 and over having received the COVID-19 vaccine, opening up vaccine eligibility to millions more, Governor Walz announced the latest rollback of guidelines, increasing capacity for businesses and gatherings – going into effect today.

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Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: March 15, 2021

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Dear Neighbors,

It’s an honor to serve our community at the State Capitol. The legislative session began in January, and I am now reaching out for your feedback on the issues that we are discussing this year.

As your Representative, I am committed to ensuring that the State of Minnesota supports all residents as we recover and rebuild from COVID-19. I am focused on policies that will increase access to health care, ensure public safety, work for quality education, expand protections for working families, and create targeted job training and workforce development to ensure economic opportunity and security for all.

I invite you to complete the following survey and let me know what you hope to see at the legislature this session. Feel free to get in touch with me anytime. I appreciate hearing from you!

Continue reading “Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: March 15, 2021”

Army now reviewing Pentagon investigation into Michael Flynn’s dealings with Russia and other foreign entities

The Pentagon’s internal watchdog has finished a long-delayed investigation into Michael Flynn and has sent its findings to the Army for a final review that could possibly bring financial penalties against the military retirement benefits afforded to the retired Army three-star general.

It is unclear when the Defense Department may announce its decision in the matter. The Washington Post first reported the report’s referral to the Army.

Former President Donald Trump pardoned Flynn, his first national security adviser, last November, an action that wiped away the guilty plea Flynn had made in 2017 — and then attempted to withdraw in 2020 — for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia during the 2016 presidential transition. Continue reading.

Limits on ‘no-knock’ warrants advance to House Floor

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Carlotta Madison said what happened to her brother was “horrific.”

Andre Madison died after a no-knock warrant — based on his suspected possession of $5 worth of marijuana — became a chaotic gun battle between Minneapolis police entering the front door of his residence and those entering the rear.

Rep. Athena Hollins (DFL-St. Paul) sponsors HF1762, which would prohibit no-knock warrants when the only underlying crime is suspected drug possession. Continue reading.

Sen. John Hoffman (SD36) Update: March 12, 2021

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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

After 10 weeks of getting bills drafted and having hearings, we have hit first deadlines for this first year of the session.  Now we work to narrow down what bills will be moving forward of those that have passed this far. I have been able to get a lot of bill hearings and work in a bi partisan manner to help move others through this first deadline. Yes, my office is busy and getting things done. This is what you said to me and expect me to do. It was a long week and there will be longer ones ahead, but it is important work to get done.

The Senate passed some business protection including the PPP tax savings. Now we wait for the House and Governor to bring their work on this important piece of legislation and together we will pass a better bill that left the Senate. I brought an amendment to give tax breaks to College Students and Businesses that are covering those student loans, however, much to my surprise, I couldn’t get it to pass.  See my video below and let me know if you think it was and is a good idea.  The Governor has also started to ease Covid-19 restrictions and I have highlighted those in this ENews as well.  Also, I have put in here the Stimulus Package as passed by our Federal Delegation and signed into law by President Biden. 

Continue reading “Sen. John Hoffman (SD36) Update: March 12, 2021”

Sen. Melisa Franzen (SD49) Update: March 12, 2021

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Volume 6, Issue 10

March 12, 2021

Remarks from the Senate Floor

A weekly message from your Senator

Dear Constituents and Friends,

This week Governor Walz announced that over 70% of Minnesotans age 65 and older weeks have been vaccinated. This means that more Minnesotans are now eligible to receive the COVID-19. Due to an increase in vaccine supply, Minnesotans in phases 1b and 1c are now eligible to receive the vaccine.

Who's Eligible for Vaccine Now

I recommend signing up for the Vaccine Connector. Also talk to your local health providers or workplace management to see if the current availability to get the vaccine. 

Continue reading “Sen. Melisa Franzen (SD49) Update: March 12, 2021”

Sen. Ron Latz (SD46) Update: March 12, 2021

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Today marks the first policy deadline in the Senate and House. Although committee meetings are growing longer, I was able to met virtually with several constituent groups to learn what issues are on their minds. AFSCME members spoke on the importance of Paid Family and Medical Leave and expanding broadband, both issues I have supported.

Our wonderful advocates from Living Well and Hammer explained on of their priorities this session is SF1319, a bill to provide additional money to the home and community based healthcare providers to deal with additional Covid19 issues.

SD46 Disability Services Day Advocates

I also met with Girls Scouts from St. Louis Park, who spoke about the way Girl Scouts has helped them overcome challenges. They also love the camping and horseback riding experiences, and of course, the cookies.

SD46 Girl Scouts and Leaders

Paycheck Protection Program Forgiveness

The Senate passed bipartisan legislation Thursday to match the federal government’s tax-exclusion for forgiven Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans received by businesses in 2020. About 102,400 businesses received $11.3 billion worth of loans in Minnesota. Typically, forgiven loans are taxable at the state and federal level, but Congress made special exceptions last year. Conforming to that measure will cost Minnesota $409 million over the next two years. 

The bill also includes a $28 million tax exemption for unemployed Minnesotans who collected the additional $600-per-week Pandemic Unemployment Compensation approved by Congress for 17 weeks in 2020. The Senate’s bill allows eligible Minnesotans to subtract 18% of these payments from income for 2020. 

I voted in favor of the bill.

Policy Deadlines 

Today marks the first policy deadline for the 2021 legislative session. Any legislation considered further must have passed out of policy committees in either the Senate or the House. Friday, March 19th is the second policy deadline. Senate bills and House bills containing policy items must be out of policy only committees in both bodies.

Updated Guidelines

Today Governor Walz announced an ease in many restrictions as the vaccine roll out continues. Below is additional information to guide your decision making in the coming months.

Brighter Days Are Here

The longer days are giving us a hint of the summer to come, and while we have not eradicated Covid19, more and more Minnesotans are being vaccinated. Please continue to follow best practices: regular hand washing, social distancing when possible, and wearing your mask for yourself and your neighbors.


Ron Latz

Rep. Kelly Morrison (HD33B) Update: March 12, 2021

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Dear Neighbors,

The longer days and signs of spring give us much to look forward to as we get closer to closing the chapter on the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’ve exceeded our goal to vaccinate 70% of Minnesotans 65 and older, which means vaccination eligibility has been expanded.

Minnesotans who are now eligible to receive a vaccine include the following:

  • People with certain underlying conditions, including sickle cell disease, Down Syndrome, and oxygen-dependent chronic lung or heart conditions, and those who are in active cancer treatment or immunocompromised from organ transplant
  • People with rare conditions or disabilities that put them at higher risk
  • Food processing plant workers
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Sen. Ann Johnson Stewart (SD44) Update: March 12, 2021

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Week-in-Review Video

A message from your Senator

Constituents and friends,

Minnesotans received good news today: Governor Walz is rolling back COVID restrictions as we continue to make progress against the virus. Public mask-wearing and social distancing requirements remain in place, but in-person work is permitted, group sizes for worship services, social gatherings, and indoor/outdoor events have been increased or lifted altogether, and bar, restaurant, and gym capacity is increased. This is a big step, and yet another indicator of the light at the end of the very long COVID tunnel! A full rundown of the lifted restrictions can be found here.

Continue reading “Sen. Ann Johnson Stewart (SD44) Update: March 12, 2021”