Spreading conspiracy theories in letter

Congressman Erik Paulsen is misrepresenting himself to his constituents, and it is unacceptable.  He wrote a commentary in the Chaska Herald last week, June 1, titled “Government can do better for veterans.”

In this article he discusses various “bipartisan” actions he is taking and also expressed concern for the number of veterans facing unemployment.

Yet, Paulsen voted for the American Health Care Act which, if put into law, would actually hurt our veterans.  The cuts to Medicaid alone would affect nearly one out of 10 veterans, according to Families USA. Continue reading “Spreading conspiracy theories in letter”

Where is the guy I voted for last fall?

This is an open letter to Congressman Erik Paulsen.

A neighbor showed me the letter you mailed to your donors this weekend. In it, you warned about “radical left-wing” Democrats paying outsiders to protest your recent health care vote.

“Their mission, of course, is to take back the majority and re-install San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi as your Speaker.” Continue reading “Where is the guy I voted for last fall?”

The thirst for town-hall interaction is not partisan

As a voter in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District, I take some issue with the Star Tribune’s description of Rep. Keith Ellison’s town hall in Rep. Erik Paulsen’s district. Jon Tevlin, in his June 7 column “Health care debate is ‘legacy’ of the times,” describes the audience as a “clearly partisan crowd.” I disagree. There were Republicans, Democrats and independents present. It was a publicly posted and advertised meeting, and all were welcome to attend. The “partisanship” we felt was frustration at Paulsen, who refuses to engage in public discussions, and our combined desire to finally hear from someone in Washington about what is happening — someone willing to take unscripted questions and give us sincere answers of what he believes, whether we agree with him or not.

Paulsen was specifically invited but chose not to attend. He did, however, send one of his lesser-known and recognizable district staff members to sit near the back and listen in. I can only hope that he heard what happened and decides that perhaps hosting a real town hall meeting with Minnesota Nice voters is not as scary as he thinks it is. Rep. Tom Emmer did it. From all accounts, there were disagreements, but the Emmer town hall remained civil and orderly. Why is Paulsen so afraid of his own constituents? Could it be that he knows his votes and position statements are indefensible?

Gretchen Haynes, Eden Prairie
Star Tribune, June 8, 2017

NOTE:  This event was organized by Indivisible MN03, a group not part of the Minnesota DFL. We report on their efforts along with other organizations’ on our Activist Alerts page. 

Democracy isn’t just about elections

To the Editor:

I cannot understand why everyone is not requesting that Congressman Erik Paulsen hold a live, interactive town hall meeting. The people have a right to ask why Paulson is supporting this travesty of a health care act. And he has a right to explain his vote and defend his action. Let’s talk and discuss as fellow Americans.

We are supposed to have government of the people, by the people, for the people. Congressman Paulson is supposed to represent we the people.

Surely, some order could be maintained by nonpartisan coordinators or monitors or even law enforcement. Democracy should be a dynamic process, not a one-time thing each election day. There are serious matters before us and this is only one of them.

Meanwhile, I urge everyone to consider signing the ongoing petition effort at www.change.org (click on Health Care under Topics on the lower right) calling for action to strip members of Congress of their health care. Their vote should impact them as much as it impacts each of us.

Steve Chicoine, Eden Prairie
Eden Prairie News, May 27, 2017

Paulsen’s AHCA vote a disaster for constituents

Erik Paulsen’s recent ACHA [sic] vote is another example of tax cuts for the wealthiest. Despite the flood of calls, letters and demonstrations from his constituents against it, he chose to ignore them. The ACHA [sic] is a “success” for the top 1 percent among us, and is an absolute disaster for the well-being of the people of the Congressional District 3 he serves, and the rest of the country.

Paulsen’s party before country agenda has been to repeal and replace the ACA Period. Not improving it. Not getting more Minnesotans and Americans insured. Not making health insurance more affordable and certainy not saving and cherishing human life. With the CBO showing that 23 million Americans will be adversely affected by this, there is no doubt. Paulsen’s vote in favor of the ACHA [sic] is a disgrace and a blemis on Minnesota He has betrayed us.

Michelle Beddor, Chanhassen
Lakeshore Weekly, June 1, 2017

What kind of conscience does Paulsen have?

To the Editor:

We would like to connect the dots between Rep. Erik Paulsen, our representative, and his callous vote for the AHCA . Erik has been flying under the radar as a moderate Minnesotan, a nice guy, a math guy. Erik cast his vote before the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office had a chance to score it for its impact on people and on the budget. As of last Wednesday we know the CBO projects that by 2026, 56 million people are expected to uninsured. Reduced spending on health care will affect the middle class, the poor, the sick, the elderly and the disabled. Should a form of the Republican House bill pass, every millionaire could receive large tax cuts paid for by the cut in care to 32 million people. Whether or not a form of this bill is ever passed, Erik’s constituents should ask what kind of conscience must he have in order to put so many in dire conditions while the wealthy benefit once again?

We think Congressional District 3 can and should do better than Erik Paulsen!

Art and Jane Price, Coon Rapids
Anoka County Union Herald, June 1, 2017

Local residents meet with Rep. Erik Paulsen on gun violence

To the Editor:

On Tuesday, May 16, I had the opportunity to meet with my congressman, Erik Paulsen.

Five Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense members met with him to discuss legislation to reduce gun violence, specifically, universal background checks. We each shared stories of the impact of gun violence on our suburban lives. Continue reading “Local residents meet with Rep. Erik Paulsen on gun violence”

Will leaders stand up to Trump?

To the Editor:

As someone who’s been deeply troubled by the administration in general and by the firing of FBI Director Jim Comey in particular, I was cautiously heartened by Rep. Erik Paulsen’s somewhat tepid statement calling for an independent investigation. Words are important, and so this is a decent start. However, if he does believe the situation is serious enough (as I do) to warrant an investigation of the president, then he must take action.

One thing he could do at any time is to sign on as a co-sponsor of HR 356 (which actually establishes what Rep. Paulsen is calling for) as his fellow Republicans Reps. Walter Jones, R-North Carolina, and Justin Amash, R-Michigan, have. Will he? Or will he take other significant action? Past experience has shown he won’t. Continue reading “Will leaders stand up to Trump?”

Paulsen brought criticism on himself

To the Editor:

Athens had Socrates. Eden Prairie has Rick Wall.

Plato said Socrates described himself as a “gadfly” sent to torment the people of Athens by asking uncomfortable questions and goading the citizens into self-examination. Eden Prairie has Wall’s April 21 “Sure is a lot of Paulsen Bashing” letter. In it Wall asked where the “concerned citizens” have been for the “last eight years” and questioned their motivation for “crawl(ing) out of the woodwork like termites in the spring to bash U.S. Rep. Erik Paulsen.” Continue reading “Paulsen brought criticism on himself”

Paulsen follows President Trump

To the Editor:

Congressman Erik Paulsen has made it clear to his constituents in the Minnesota 3rd District that he is little more than a follower of President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

His recent votes, especially on the American Health Care Act, have shown that he is willing to put party over the good of the Minnesotan 3rd. While he attempted to explain his vote in his May Star Tribune op-ed, Paulsen fails to convincingly address the issues. Continue reading “Paulsen follows President Trump”