Are You Registered to Vote?

The first step in casting your ballot this November 3 is to be certain you’re registered to vote.

In Minnesota, you can check online to verify you’re registered at the address you currently live here.

You can vote in Minnesota if you’re a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old on Election Day (November 3, 2020), lived in Minnesota for at least 20 days, finished all parts of any felony sentence, under guardianship and a judge hasn’t specifically revoked your right to vote.

How do you register to vote?

You can register three ways: online at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website here, on paper using the forms you find here or on Election Day, find out how here.

Want to know what’s on your ballot?

Visit this website to find out what races will be on your ballot either early by mail or in person by voting early or this November at your polling location..