Ron Johnson signals some GOP senators concerned about his Obama-era probes

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Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) signaled Wednesday that some Republican members on his committee have voiced concerns about his investigations related to the Obama administration and Hunter Biden, the son of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden

Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, was asked during an interview with Fox News whether there are Republican senators on his panel who do not want him to subpoena former FBI Director James Comey

“I wasn’t going to name names. There are legitimate concerns, and, again, I was happy to try to obtain these documents on a voluntary basis,” Johnson said, asked about potential pushback from GOP members.  Continue reading.

If Biden wins, get ready for Trump to punish America

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What could happen to America if Trump were to further, severely crash the U.S. economy the day after Joe Biden is announced as the winner of the 2020 presidential race?

As Trump tweeted on June 15, 2019, “if anyone but me takes over… there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before!”

On July 6, 2020, he tweeted, “If you want your 401k’s and Stocks, which are getting close to an all time high (NASDAQ is already there), to disintegrate and disappear, vote for the Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats and Corrupt Joe Biden.” Continue reading.

Trump backers’ dizzying response to Kamala Harris’s selection

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Shortly after 4 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Joe Biden’s campaign announced Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate.

At 4:45 p.m., Trump campaign aide Brad Parscale tweeted that the pick meant that the “Bernie Bros get burned,” pointing to a story about liberal resistance to her candidacy.

Around exactly the same time, though, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said something quite different. “Kamala Harris’ extreme positions … show that the left-wing mob is controlling Biden’s candidacy, just like they would control him as president,” McDaniel said in a statement. Continue reading.

Trump Erupts In Aggressive Tirade Against Harris

Well, that didn’t take very long.

Former Vice President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that Sen. Kamala Harris would be his running mate, and by early evening, President Donald Trump had already labeled her “nasty.”

But before getting into what Trump said to attack Harris personally, it’s worth recalling how former President Barack Obama reacted to Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as a running mate back in 2012:

Just yesterday, my opponent chose his running mate, the ideological leader of Republicans in Congress. Mr Paul Ryan. I want to congratulate Mr. Ryan. I know him, I welcome him to the race.
He is a decent man, he is a family man, he is an articulate spokesman for Governor Romney’s vision but it is a vision that I fundamentally disagree with.

Continue reading.

Rush Limbaugh Revives Crude Sexist Smear Against Sen. Harris

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is widely seen as a leading choice to be Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s running mate. As Biden moves closer to announcing his running mate, Rush Limbaugh revived a smear against Harris that implies that she advanced her career by dating a prominent politician.

Limbaugh has launched sexist attacks on Democratic politiciansfamily members, and aides for decades, frequently tying the attacks to personal relationships and marriages. This was particularly true of Hillary Clinton, for example.

The sexist narrative against Harris, pushed in graphic terms by a variety of fringe right-wing figures before spreading to Fox News, involved her past relationship back in the 1990s with Willie Brown, a former speaker of the California Assembly and mayor of San Francisco. During Harris’ own presidential campaign in 2019, Fox News personality Tomi Lahren tweeted a message at her going well beyond previous innuendos on the network and instead used language that could be traced right back to the fever swamps: “Kamala did you fight for ideals or did you sleep your way to the top with Willie Brown?” Continue reading.

Biden picks Harris for VP

The Hill logoPresumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden named Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate on Tuesday, ending months of speculation over one of the most consequential decisions of his 2020 presidential bid.

Biden called Harris, a former rival in the Democratic primary, the best equipped to help him defeat President Trump and lead the nation through the coronavirus pandemic, economic downturn and racial divide.

Harris, who is of Jamaican and Indian descent, would be the first woman to be vice president if Biden is elected. Continue reading.

How Suffering Farmers May Determine Trump’s Fate

As rural Wisconsin’s fortunes have declined, its political importance has grown.

Last October, Jerry Volenec, a dairy farmer from southwestern Wisconsin, took the morning off to go to Madison for the World Dairy Expo, an annual cattle-judging contest and trade show. Volenec wanted to hear a town-hall discussion led by Sonny Perdue, Donald Trump’s Secretary of Agriculture, to learn how the Administration planned to address the economic crisis gripping Wisconsin’s family dairy farmers.

Volenec’s farm sits atop Bohemian Ridge, a jagged plateau named for the Czech immigrants who settled there in the late nineteenth century. Among them was Joseph Volenec, Jerry’s great-great-grandfather, who established the farm, in 1897. In the nineteen-fifties and sixties, Volenec’s grandfather milked a herd of sixteen cows; he could make a living because New Deal policies used price supports and other measures to boost farmers’ earnings and limit overproduction.

Jerry Volenec always wanted to become a farmer. “You couldn’t keep me out of the barn,” he said. “I was milking cows by myself by the time I was fourteen.” By the early nineties, when Volenec began farming full time, the New Deal policies had largely been dismantled. The family increased its herd to about seventy, and Volenec’s father started paying him a salary, enough money for his education at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, and to start an I.R.A. In 2000, Volenec installed a milking parlor, and since then he has increased the herd to three hundred and thirty cows. “We’re the biggest of the small guys,” Volenec, who is forty-five, with a sturdy build and a thin goatee, said. “But I was making more money, doing less work, when I started, twenty-five years ago. I’m basically paying myself living expenses now.” Continue reading.

Democrats roll out prime time convention speakers

Washington — The Democratic National Convention Committee has unveiled its list of primetime speakers for the convention next week, rolling out a lineup that unites the party’s progressive wings with the Democratic establishment.

The Democratic National Convention is set to kick off August 17 and will feature four nights of speakers who will address supporters remotely from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Nightly keynote speeches will be given by Michelle Obama on Monday, Jill Biden on Tuesday and Barack Obama on Wednesday. On Thursday, Joe Biden will formally accept his party’s presidential nomination with a speech.

The gathering, which has been roiled by the coronavirus crisis, begins Monday and will feature Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who went head-to-head with Biden in the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination after the party’s vast field of candidates narrowed.  Continue reading.

DFL Party Statement on Joe Biden’s Selection of Kamala Harris as Running Mate

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTAToday, DFL Party Chairman Ken Martin released the following statement on Joe Biden’s selection of Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate:

“I could not be more excited to join DFLers across Minnesota in voting for Joe Biden for President and Kamala Harris for Vice President of the United States of America. Senator Harris has dedicated her life to serving the American people, fighting for working families, and building a more just and equitable country. As the daughter of immigrants and the first Black woman to serve California as Attorney General and in the United States Senate, I know that Kamala Harris can help heal the divisions across our nation that Donald Trump has spent his life exacerbating.

“The truth is, Donald Trump has failed the American people. One in ten American workers are out of a job, over 5.1 million Americans have been infected by COVID-19, and over 160,000 are dead. Senator Harris is a fighter with a record of taking on powerful people and special interests and winning, from big banks to big oil companies to predatory for-profit colleges. I have no doubt that Harris will be a tremendous leader in the fight against the historic corruption, mismanagement, and incompetence of the Trump administration.”

A ‘radical’ leftist who is ‘against God’? Trump paints Biden in a picture many don’t recognize.

Washington Post logoPresident Trump is increasingly trying to run against a Joe Biden of his own making.

Rather than look for campaign ammunition in the former vice president’s long track record of politically vulnerable votes and policy proposals, Trump has instead chosen to describe Biden as a godless Marxist bent on destroying the country with a radical agenda that would make Che Guevara blanch.

The caricature is one that neither Biden’s critics nor supporters recognize — but it’s one Trump continues to promote. Continue reading.