Jake Tapper laughs in Pence’s face: ‘We don’t have the cleanest air and water in the world’

AlterNet logoOn CNN this morning, Mike Pence tried to summon as much gravitas as he could — veering dangerously close to the event horizon of fatally constipated — in order to sell a few of those common-sense homespun lies that play so well in the heartland.

He sounded like an ass — but, significantly, not a braying ass like his Sith Lord. He simply sounded like a “Christian” greasing the skids for the destruction of God’s creation.

In the wake of the Trump administration’s rollback last week of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, Jake Tapper asked Pence if he thinks climate change is a threat to our country.

View the complete June 23 article from Aldous Pennyfarthing from Daily Kos on the AlterNet website here.