Ivanka Trump Finally Speaks About Separating Immigrant Families — And It’s Totally Absurd

The following article by Cody Fenwick was posted on the AlterNet website June 20, 2018:

The president’s daughter has made family policy her defining issue.

Credit: U.S. State Department

Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and top White House adviser, remained curiously silent as the crisis surrounding the administration’s policy of separating immigrant families swelled, despite her previous stance as an advocate for family policy.

But after President Donald Trump signed an executive order addressing the issue — an act he had said just days before was impossible — the first daughter finally spoke publicly.

“Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border,” she wrote on Twitter. “Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families.”

Her statement made no sense — the president and his team unleashed this cruel policy on the country, so thanking him for withdrawing it is ridiculous. It also remains to be seen what real changes will come of his new order.

Many of the families that have already been swept up in the cruel policy will still be separated for an unknown period of time, and it’s not clear the administration has any plans or systems in place to reunite them.

After the president signed the new order, he said that he, Ivanka Trump, and the first lady all hated seeing families torn apart. At no point did he accept responsibility for putting the policy in place.