WCCO TV and KARE 11 both called Paulsen claims on healthcare FALSE

Excelsior, MN – In the third debate of the campaign for Congress in Minnesota’s third district, Congressman Erik Paulsen continued to promote claims called false and misleading by local independent fact checkers, saying instead that those fact checks backed up his claims.
Here’s the truth:
KARE 11 News fact checked the Paulsen claim and declared “Attacks on Phillips Fail Truth Test.”
WCCO TV noted that Congressman Paulsen’s campaign took their own assessment out of context in an effort to mislead voters. Pat Kessler: “Paulsen is trying to make it seem like Phillips doesn’t give his workers healthcare. That’s FALSE.”
WCCO TV included the following facts to clear up Congressman Paulsen’s lie:
“Here are the facts about Dean Phillips:
Phillips does give health care to all his full-time coffee shop employees.
Like most U.S. companies, he does not offer healthcare to part-time workers.
He pays part-time workers $15 an hour plus tips, far above the normal wage.”
“Congressman Paulsen hopes that repeating something enough will make it true, but voters deserve better,” said Campaign Manager Zach Rodvold. “Erik Paulsen will say and do anything to win – including by repeating provably false claims. Reporters covering this race – and voters weighing their decision this fall – should be aware of his continued falsehoods in the face of verifiable facts.”