In the Know: July 2, 2018

No Excuse Absentee Balloting Happening Now through August 13
44 days Until the August 14 Primary
83 Days Until No Excuse Absentee Balloting Opens for the November 6 Election
129 Days Until Election Day

2018 Election — Early voting open now
Ken Martin: Early voting opens June 29 for Aug. 14 primary, Owatonna People’s Press
What you need to know about early primary voting in Minnesota, Star Tribune
As early vote grows in popularity, candidates plan accordingly, Fox 9
Vote! Says DFL gubernatorial hopeful Erin Murphy in St. Cloud, St. Cloud Times
Election officials expect a big turnout for early primary voting, WCCO

2018 General Election
Obama offers Democrats tough love ahead of mid-term elections; ‘stop moping,’ CNN
Obama tells Democrats to get organized and start registering voters before mid-terms, MPR
An explosion is coming, Washington Post
Just like that, abortion is an issue in Minnesota this fall, Star Tribune
Two president rallies, two different outlooks for the GOP, Mesabi Daily News

Editor’s Note: Don’t whine: door knock; host a fundraiser or donate to candidates; make phone calls; and not only vote, but get your family and friends to the polls. #everyvotecounts

2018 Primary Election
5th District DFL primary features experience, symbolism, Star Tribune

Dean Phillips seeks to unseat five-term Rep. Erik Paulsen, WCCO
Restless Democratic newcomers bringing change to House, Star Tribune

Affordable Care Act

Steve Simon: Minnesota’s election system is the envy of the nation, Pioneer Press

Families Belong Together march – #familiesbelongtogether #nohumanisillegal #immigrantsmakeamericagreat
Minneapolis march to protest immigration policies, MPR
In 50 states, thousands protest immigration policy, with focus on midterm election, KARE 11
Hundreds in Rochester protest separating families at the border, KTTC

This weekend’s massive flash rallies to protest President Trump’s immigration policies — following the global women’s marches and the March For Our Lives after the Parkland school shooting — represent a unified, accelerated activism surpassing even what was seen in the late ’60s, social movement historians say.

The speed and scale of Saturday’s pop-up protests is fascinating:

  • “Protesters flood U.S. cities,” AP writes in its roundup: “In major cities and tiny towns, hundreds of thousands of marchers gathered Saturday across America, moved by accounts of children separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, in the latest act of mass resistance against President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.”
  • “Protesters flooded more than 700 marches, from immigrant-friendly cities like New York and Los Angeles to conservative Appalachia and Wyoming.”
  • “They gathered on the front lawn of a Border Patrol station in McAllen, Texas, near a detention center where migrant children were being held in cages, and on a street corner near Trump’s golf resort at Bedminster, New Jersey, where the president is spending the weekend.”

Experts in social movements say that what we’re seeing is totally new — befitting, and powered by, our times and our technology. Axios

Farm Bill
Farmers look to Washington with concern, Waseca County News

Governor’s Race
Minnesota governor candidates (most of them, anyway) talk gridlock, breaking bread and ‘the next Amazon’ at forum, MinnPost
Pawlenty keeps corporate posts amid race for governor, MPR

Health Care
State faces deep health care funding cliff, Star Tribune 

Immigration crisis
How one Minn. town is weighing the morals and economics of immigrant detention, MPR
How more migrant children separated from their parents at the border could end up in Minnesota, MinnPost


Which Minnesota businesses could feel the impact of Trump’s tariffs dispute the most? Pioneer Press
Trump’s trade war will hurt Minnesota companies, economy, Star Tribune
Trump Cites Car-Tariff Threat as Biggest Trade Leverage, Wall St Journal

Six months later, Trump tax cuts are losing their popularity, Star Tribune

Trump ran to his golf course to hide, but 200 protestors found him, PoliticusUSA

The 26 major Trump-related headlines for the week of June 25 from CNN.






U.S. Supreme Court
Trump says he’ll name pick on July 9, Star Tribune
A lifetime investment: Big money pours into Supreme Court battle, MPR
Anthony Kennedy, You Are a Total Disgrace to America, The Daily Beast
Trump’s relationship with Justice Kennedy sounds shady in this new report., The New Republic

Upcoming Events

  • Today through August 13 — Primary early voting. More information here.
  • July 3, 7:00 PM — SD40 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Brooklyn Park Library, 8500 W Broadway Ave, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
  • July 4 — Independence Day
  • July 4 — SD48 DFL will be at Eden Prairie’s Independence Day celebration at Round Lake Park (southwest corner for Valley View Road and Eden Prairie Road).
  • July 4, 10:00 AM — SD49 DFL Float in Edina Parade, meet at Eden Ave & W 50th St, if you’re interested in participating, contact Tim at 952.484.3515.
  • July 4, 1:30 PM — SD33 DFL Marching in the Chanhassen 4th of July Parade. Line up starts at 1:30 PM, parade steps off at 2:30 PM.
  • July 6, 12:00 PM — Stand Against Trump, SD40 DFL Treasurer John Schafer is holding a weekly hour of protest and resistance on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm at the corner of Brookdale & Xerxes in Brooklyn Park.
  • July 9, 7:00 PM — SD44 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Minnetonka Community Center, 14600 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka, MN 55345
  • July 9, 7:00 PM — SD49 DFL Central Committee Meeting, 7001 Cahill Rd, Suite 21, Edina, MN
  • July 10, 7:00 PM — SD34 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Maple Grove Library, 8001 Main St N, Osseo, MN 55369
  • July 12, 6:00 PM — SD34 DFL Marching in the Maple Grove Days Parade
  • July 12, 7:00 PM — SD48 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Glen Lake Activity Center, 14350 Excelsior Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345
  • July 13, 12:00 PM — Stand Against Trump, SD40 DFL Treasurer John Schafer is holding a weekly hour of protest and resistance on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm at the corner of Brookdale & Xerxes in Brooklyn Park.
  • July 14, 10:00 AM — SD34 DFL at the Maple Grove Business Expo,  Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Rd, Maple Grove, MN 55369.