In the Know: July 11, 2018

2018 Electionn — Primary

Early voting now open. Go to dfl.org/voteearly to fill out an application to vote by mail. You can vote in person at your county courthouse or government center. Click here for a list of cities where you can vote early in person.

2018 Election — Senate

State GOP sees SCOTUS pick as campaign issue, MPR

2018 Election — General
Will 2018 be the year of the millennial voter? MinnPost

Dayton continues tour of flood damage in southern Minnesota, MPR
Communities in dire need of disaster aid, Marshall Independent
Minnesota starts seeking federal aid for storm damage, Star Tribune

Health Care
Murphy sees to shake up health care as governor, MPR
Trump officials slash funds to help consumers sign up for health care insurance, New York Times
Yes, abortion is what’s on Kavanaugh’s docket, but here’s what’s first, Washington Post


Immigration Crisis

Four of the 102 migrant children under five years old have been reunited with their parents in compliance with a court order, and 34 more will be reunited, the Trump administration told reporters. Axios

Trump keeps implementing incompetent zero-tolerance immigration policies. He also keeps losing in court, LA Times
Racial resentment is the biggest predictor of immigration attitudes, study finds, Washington Post

Amazon Is One Step Closer To Taking a Cut on Literally Every Economic Transaction, In These Times
It’s Normal for the U.S. to Put Corporate Profits Above Babies’ Health, NY Mag
Mega-mergers like AT&T and Time Warner crush American democracy, The GuardianTrade War
US proposes tariffs on $200 billion more in Chinese imports, MPR
Minnesota a Trade War Battlefield, Grand Rapids Herald


President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump departed the White House for a week in Europe early Tuesday morning. The trip includes stops in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Scotland and Finland. It’s hard to tell whether Trump views Russian President Vladimir Putin as friend or foe. The President told reporters Tuesday he thinks the Putin meeting “may be the easiest” of all his meetings planned in Europe. CNN

U.S. Supreme Court
Dems grasp at ways to stop pick, The Hill
Rulings show that Court pick is bad for workers and women’s rights. Progressive groups are mobilizing into action, Workday Minnesota
Minnesota politicos split by party over Kavanaungh, Star Tribune
Mid-terms loom over Supreme Court confirmation process, Star Tribune

Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh has a lengthy judicial record and his confirmation fight will be a 2018 litmus test. Democrats don’t have the power to stop Kavanaugh, unless Republicans start to defect. Even with John McCain home in Arizona, Republicans can confirm Kavanaugh with 50 votes in Washington. Axios

  • Vulnerable red state Senate Democrats: Claire McCaskill (undecided), Joe Manchin (has questions on pre-existing conditions), Jon Tester (undecided), Joe Donnelly (undecided), Bill Nelson (statement didn’t suggest a positive lean) and Heidi Heitkamp.
  • Moderate Republicans: Neither Susan Collins nor Lisa Murkowski (who voted to confirm Kavanaugh to a lower position in 2006) came out hard against him early.
  • Senate Judiciary notables: Chuck Grassley (yes) and Dianne Feinstein (no).
  • Bonus: Vulnerable GOP Senator Dean Heller is leaning yes. “Right now, I like what I see,” he told Axios’ Caitlin Owens. And Rand Paul said he’s got an “open mind” on Kavanaugh.


Women’s Health
If high court reserves Roe v. Wade, 22 states likely to ban abortions, MPR

Upcoming Events

  • Today through August 13 — Primary early voting. More information here.
  • July 11, 6:30 PM — DFL Disability Caucus Meeting, DFL Headquarters, 255 E Plata Blvd, Saint Paul, MN 55107
  • July 12, 6:00 PM — SD34 DFL Marching in the Maple Grove Days Parade
  • July 12, 7:00 PM — SD48 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Glen Lake Activity Center, 14350 Excelsior Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345
  • July 13, 12:00 PM — Stand Against Trump, SD40 DFL Treasurer John Schafer is holding a weekly hour of protest and resistance on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm at the corner of Brookdale & Xerxes in Brooklyn Park.
  • July 14, 10:00 AM — SD34 DFL at the Maple Grove Business Expo,  Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Rd, Maple Grove, MN 55369.
  • July 14, 11:00 PM — DFL Feminist Caucus Annual Meeting, SEIU Local 26, 825 18th Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418
  • July 16, 7:00 PM — Brooklyn Park DFL Meeting, Brooklyn Park Public Library, 6500 W Broadway, Brooklyn Park, MN
  • July 20, 12:00 PM — Stand Against Trump, SD40 DFL Treasurer John Schafer is holding a weekly hour of protest and resistance on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm at the corner of Brookdale & Xerxes in Brooklyn Park.
  • July 21, 10:00 AM — SD33 DFL marching in the Mound Spirit of the Lakes Parade
  • July 21, 12:00 PM — SD49 DFL Annual Summer Picnic, Rosland Park, 4300 W 66th St, Edina, MN 55435
  • July 24, 7:00 PM — SD34 DFL Executive Committee Meeting
  • July 27, 12:00 PM — Stand Against Trump, SD40 DFL Treasurer John Schafer is holding a weekly hour of protest and resistance on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm at the corner of Brookdale & Xerxes in Brooklyn Park.
  • July 31, 7:00 PM — SD37 DFL Central Committee Meeting, check their Facebook page for location
Categories: DFL In the Know
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