Attorney General Keith Ellison
Bail changes announced for Hennepin County, Keith Ellison
Inside Ivanka Trump’s failed attempt to have Congress secure her legacy, Washington Post
Democratic senator: ‘Absolutely unconscionable for Congress to adjourn’ for 2020 without a new stimulus deal, Yahoo
Donald Trump
Trump seriously considering 2024 run as he continues false 2020 claims, MPR
Trump running out of time to solidify immigration agenda after U.S. election loss, Reuters
Explainer: Could Trump preemptively pardon his family — or even himself?, Reuters
How Democrats Can Stop Trump’s Transition Sabotage, The American Prospect
The Coming Confirmation Wars, The American Prospect
Trump Vows To Veto Defense Bill Unless Shield For Big Tech Is Scrapped, NPR
Environmental News
‘We Don’t Have To Live This Way’: Doctors Call For Climate Action, NPR
COVID-19 crisis offers lesson on climate response for refugees, UNHCR
Four Leading Environmental and Science Groups Call on Automakers to Support Clean Car Standards, EDF
Governor Tim Walz
Walz certifies 2020 Minnesota electors, KSTP
230,000 Minnesotans using COVID-19 exposure notification app, KAAL
Gov. Walz, DFD Chief Krizaj Address First Responders Impact as Cases Continue to Climb, Fox 21
Immigration News
The challenges Biden will face on immigration reform, PBS
US Senate passes bill to do away with country-caps on employment-based green cards; hurdles remain, Economic Times
Minnesota Legislature
How Minnesota went from projecting a surplus to a deficit to a surplus again — over the course of 10 months, MinnPost
Minnesota News
Hennepin County prosecutor to end bail for several low-level offenses Star TribuneSwamped hospitals in MN, elsewhere scramble for pandemic help, Pioneer Press
Thousands of Doctors’ Offices Buckle Under Financial Stress of COVID-19, MN Reformer
President Elect Joe Biden
Biden Made Sure ‘Trump Is Not Going to Be President for Four More Years’, New York Times
The Conspiracy Theory That Could Hand Joe Biden the Senate, Politico
Representative Dean Phillips (CD3)
Rep. Dean Phillips Among Bipartisan Group Pitching New COVID-19 Relief Bill, Patch
Republican Party
Rittenhouse has preliminary hearing on Wisconsin charges, Star Tribune
Trump allies discourage Georgia residents from voting in January runoff, MPR
Congress seems ready to pass a bipartisan $908 billion stimulus — if Mitch McConnell says yes, Vox
Pro-Trump Lawyers Say GOP Governor in Georgia Is a Chinese Agent and Blame George Soros, Mother Jones
Michigan Republican Threatens to Adjourn Election Hearing As Trump Supporters Chant ‘Do Your Job’ Outside, Newsweek
Republicans cheer on a Trump 2024 run, Politico
Secretary of State Steve Simon
Election fraud claims ‘foolish and irresponsible,’ says Minnesota secretary of state, Star Tribune
Senator Amy Klobuchar
Klobuchar shares COVID-19 relief optimism, WCCO
U.S. Senators Klobuchar and Smith commend ATCC for being chosen for new naval program, Echo Press
Senator Tina Smith
Sen. Tina Smith pushes bill for free COVID-19 treatment, vaccine, KEYC
Senate Passes Tina Smith’s, Marco Rubio’s Resolution on National Lung Cancer Awareness Month, Florida Daily
U.S. News
States With Few Coronavirus Restrictions Are Spreading the Virus Beyond Their Borders, ProPublica
Giving Thanks to Immigrants and Essential Workers, Workday MinnesotaReligious conservatives have won a revolutionary victory in the Supreme Court, Vox
World News
China and Australia are in a nasty diplomatic spat over a fake tweet — and real war crimes, Vox
Australia is out of recession. Now it needs to avoid a trade war with China, CNN
Why tens of thousands of farmers are blocking roads into India’s capital city, VoxHong Kong Activists Sentenced For Their Role In Anti-Government Protest, NPR
Upcoming Events:
You can find non-DFL events on our Action Alert post.
- Today to December 18 — Minnesota Stay at Home Order
- December 7 — Pearl Harbor Day
- December 9, 5:30 to 8:00 PM — CD3 DFL Virtual Holiday Party with Rep. Dean Phillips, State DFL Chair Ken Martin, State Vice Chair Marge Hoffa, a Biden Transition update from Ron Pierce, DNC Veterans and Military Council, State Auditor Julie Blaha, elected officials and DFL activists, email us at info@dfl3cd.org for log in information
- December 10 through 18 — Chanukah
- December 10
- 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD36 DFL Virtual Central Committee Meeting, contact them for meeting specifics.
- 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD48 DFL Virtual Central Committee Meeting, contact them for meeting specifics.
- December 14
- 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD44 DFL Virtual Central Committee Meeting, contact them for meeting specifics.
- 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD49 DFL Virtual Central Committee Meeting, contact them for meeting specifics.
- December 21 — Winter Solstice
- 7:00 to 9:00 PM — Anoka County DFL Virtual Meeting, contact them for meeting specifics.
- December 24 — Christmas Eve
- December 25 — Christmas Day
- December 31 — New Years Eve
- January 1 — New Years Day
- January 2 — 116th U.S. Congress ends
- January 3 — 117th U.S. Congress begins
- January 5 — 92nd Minnesota Legislative Session Convenes