How the OMB used its powers to delay Ukraine aid

Order to withhold the funds came directly from the president

An obscure agency with outsized sway over federal spending is at the center of the House’s impeachment inquiry into an alleged “quid pro quo” orchestrated by President Donald Trump trading domestic political aid for security assistance against a common foe.

The White House Office of Management and Budget gave the order to withhold aid to Ukraine intended to combat Russian aggression for almost two months. The decision came directly from the top, catching some administration officials as well as bipartisan majorities on Capitol Hill by surprise.

The episode highlights the intricacies of how federal spending is ultimately parceled out, as well as the circumstances surrounding the Ukraine aid in particular that appear to have little precedent — including an unusually high level of involvement by political appointees rather than career civil servants.

View the complete October 29 article by Paul M. Krawzak on The Roll Call website here.

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