Historic “For the People Act” Passes House with Three Amendments Authored by Rep. Phillips

Rep. Phillips’s contributions to H.R. 1 strengthen democracy reform bill that must now be taken up by the Senate

WASHINGTON, DCRep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) voted for the historic democracy reform bill, H.R. 1, the For the People Act, which passed the House today. The bill is a package of ethics, voting rights and campaign finance reforms aimed at reducing the influence of special interests in our politics. It was the first bill that Phillips co-sponsored in Congress.

Rep. Phillips authored three amendments that were included in H.R. 1’s final passage. Those amendments strengthen the independence, bipartisanship and diversity of the Federal Election Commission – the nation’s election watchdog – and reinforce ethics standards for Executive Branch officials by closing a loophole that allows them to run a lobbying shop as soon as they leave government service.

The bill will now head to the Senate where Mitch McConnell has already refused to bring it to the Senate Floor for a vote.

“It’s a great day for Democracy. Passing the For The People Act today was one of the most gratifying moments of my life,” said Phillips.“H.R.1 takes the power from big money interests and the wealthiest donors and returns it to the people. But this is just the beginning of the fight for reform. We will be relentless in our efforts to make Mitch McConnell hear the voice of the American people and call a vote on this historic bill.”

This morning, Phillips spoke at a press conference on the steps of the Capitol on behalf of the entire Democratic caucus.

Phillips will host a free H.R.1 Community Conversation at 2PM CST tomorrow, March 9th, at Hopkins High School featuring special guests Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon, End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller and Hamline University Political Science Professor David Schultz. All are invited to attend.

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