This budget agreement provides support for working families, critical education funding, and helps small businesses recover and thrive post-pandemic
SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA – On Monday, Governor Walz and Minnesota’s legislative leaders reached an agreement on a historic budget framework that prioritizes students, relief for working families, and Minnesota’s small businesses. After over a year of unprecedented challenges, the Governor has taken steps to secure the resources necessary to move Minnesota forward and provide support for those most impacted by COVID-19.
“Governor Walz has led the charge to secure investments in our students, Minnesota’s working families, and small businesses across the state that have struggled during this pandemic,” said DFL Party Chairman Ken Martin. “Not only does this agreement secure historic investments in education but it provides tax cuts and long-term relief for working families as well as significant investment in future generations. This is the kind of leadership we need in Minnesota.”
The next two-year budget commits $525 million to early through high school education and $675 million in the budget that follows. It also provides $75 million into a summer learning plan that Governor Walz and DFLers championed to ensure schools have the support they need to help students recover from COVID-19.