GOP lied about their tax scam, and now American wages are falling

The following article by Dan Desai Martin was posted on the ShareBlue.com website July 23, 2018:

Trump and his GOP promised their tax scam would help middle-class workers, but wages are actually down and the only ones benefitting are the ultra-rich.

Pablo Martinez Monsivais, AP Photos

Republicans sold their tax scam as a way to help the middle class, but seven months after Trump signed the bill into law, Americans have seen months of declining wages. In reality, the tax scam is a $2 trillion, deficit-financed boondoggle to benefit wealthy Wall Street corporations while workers languish.

Trump vowed the tax scam would be “rocket fuel” for the economy. Congressional Republicans made over-the-top promises about higher wages and a booming economy.

But that hasn’t happened. The tax scam has not led to higher wages. Instead, as finance expert Noah Smith explains in Bloomberg, “Real average hourly compensation actually fell in the first quarter” after the tax scam was passed.

View the complete article here.

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