Ginny Klevorn will have my support in November

To the Editor:

It is so exciting that the hockey team from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is coming to Plymouth, Minnesota, to play in a hockey tournament! Wayzata High School is hosting the event later this month (March 22-25).

I am anticipating a strong outpouring of support for the Florida students. However, I would be remiss to ignore the fact that our very own state representative in 44A, Plymouth, Sarah Anderson (R), has a rating of A+ from the NRA. She accepted $3,725.32 from the NRA Political Victory Fund in 2016 (Vote Freedom First). Anderson was endorsed by the Minnesota Gun Owners PAC in 2014 (Sun Sailor 10-25-16). In an interview in the Sun Sailor (10-25-16), she stated that states that closed the background check loophole and saw resulting 46-percent drop in gun deaths are an “anomaly.”

Fortunately for all kids, and all of us in Plymouth and around the state, Ginny Klevorn will be running for Anderson’s seat this November. Klevorn has stated (Sun Sailor 10-18-16) that “closing the background check loophole is one of her top priorities.”

How can that not be a win? Still supporting the Second Amendment, but making our state safer. She’ll have my vote this November! And I hope yours too! This November counts folks! Just because it’s not a presidential election! Your state house makes a difference, writes your laws!

John Mensch, Plymouth
Plymouth Sun-Sailor, March 20, 2018

Categories: SD44
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