For the cost of Trump’s military parade, we could get eight months of Mueller’s probe

The following article by Philip Bump was posted on the Washington Post website July 19, 2018:

President Trump and first lady Melania Trump attend the Bastille Day military parade in Paris last year. Credit: Chesnot, Getty Images

Reporting from CNN finally puts a price tag on President Trump’s long-sought “military parade” emulating the one he enjoyed in France last July. But before we get to that number, let’s contextualize it with some other costs largely unique to Trump’s administration.

We will start with a vacation in Scotland.

For you or me, a trip to Scotland would cost a few thousand dollars, maybe, depending on how fancy we got. When the president of the United States goes on a trip, though, he brings a substantially larger entourage than you do. His trip to Scotland last week, therefore, cost almost $70,000, money paid to the lucky proprietor of the hotel where he stayed. (It was a Trump Organization property; the proprietor was, indirectly, Trump.)

View the complete post here.

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