FACT CHECK: Trump Continues To Lie About Lowering Prescription Drug Prices

At his rally last night, Trump continued to lie about lowering prescription drug prices. The reality is that Trump has failed to deliver on his promises, and costs continue to skyrocket. It’s clear why a majority of Americans trust Democrats over Trump and Republicans to lower prescription drug costs.

LIE: Trump said his administration has taken bold action to reduce drug costs, and took credit for Pfizer cancelling price hikes.

Trump: “We have taken bold action to reduce the cost of prescription drugs. Drug prices are starting to come down. Drug companies, a number of months ago, were going to raise their prices. I actually called up the heads of Pfizer and Novartis and others. I said you can’t do that. You can’t raise your prices. And you know what they did? They brought them down, they didn’t raise them.”

REALITY: Trump has failed to lower drug costs, and Pfizer recently announced they would raise prices next year.

CNBC: “Pfizer will raise prices on 41 of its prescription drugs in January after initially putting off those plans this summer amid pressure from President Trump.”

MEANWHILE: Americans continue to struggle with skyrocketing prescription drug costs.

“Among the protesters was Antoinette Worsham of Cincinnati, Ohio who carried the ashes of her 22-year-old daughter Antavia in a small vial. She died last year after being forced to ration insulin she couldn’t afford at $1,000 a month. ‘It’s either pay your rent, pay your car payment or get your medication,’ said Worsham.” – Mother of a child who died after trying to ration insulin

“Nicole Smith-Holt’s 26-year-old son Alex also died last year when she could no longer carry him on her insurance and Alex couldn’t afford his own. ‘Unfortunately within 27 days of having no insurance he was found dead in his apartment because he couldn’t afford the insulin,’ Smith-Holt said. She didn’t know that he was also rationing his insulin.” – Mother of a child who died after trying to ration insulin

“The fear of keeping my son alive is just so real.” – Mother of a son with diabetes

“Buckner responded that he is concerned about the price of prescription drugs. He says they are out of control.  ‘I find it very emotionally draining when I go to CVS and the person in front of me says, ‘How much is it?’ and the individual says, ‘$430’ and they say, ‘Well, take these off for now.’ This should not be,’ said Buckner.” – Ohio resident