Ex-election security chief Christopher Krebs sues Trump campaign, lawyer for defamation

Christopher Krebs, the government’s former election security chief who was fired for describing the November vote as the most secure in history, sued the Trump campaign and one of the president’s lawyers for defamation Tuesday, claiming that the attorney falsely characterized his remarks as treasonous while suggesting that Krebs be “taken out at dawn and shot.”

In the legal action filed in a Maryland state court, Krebs characterized Joseph diGenova’s statements during a Nov. 30 Newsmax broadcast as “shockingly irresponsible and dangerous.”

The former Department of Homeland Security official asserted that diGenova’s commentary was especially troubling because it was “released into the current climate of political toxicity and instability, in which public officials across the country…are being targeted with acts and threats of violence simply for performing their public duties.” Continue reading.

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