Erik Paulsen, you insulted me

As a constituent of CD3 my most direct avenue to Washington is Congressman Erik Paulsen. I was fortunate enough to have two in-person meetings with him in April. I say fortunate because, according to District Director John-Paul Yates, “it’s been a few years” since his last in-person town hall.

At my first meeting, I expressed my sleepless nights thinking about President Trump and his ties to Russia. I pleaded with him to exercise his abilities on the House Ways and Means Committee to start the process of exposing his tax returns. Unfortunately, he has voted “no” several times on this request telling me if this request is made to President Trump it could set the precedent for “any civilian.” Really, our president is “any civilian?” During my second meeting our topic was internet security. I left this meeting questioning Erik’s knowledge on the difference between ISPs and apps like Google and Facebook. He continued to ask if companies in question were “opt-in” or “opt-out.”

My disappointment of the last two months turned to insult when I read his recent letter to campaign contributors. He states “The Democrats will not hold my conscience hostage” as well as siting (sic) “scurrilous attacks of liberals.” I am neither of these. I am a thoughtful independent thinker who is concerned for all. My final comments to Rep. Paulsen on April 18 have been confirmed, “there is nothing any constituent can say to change his mind.”

Sarah Eigenmann, Plymouth
Plymouth Sun-Current, June 12, 2017

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