Unfortunately for Paulsen, it’s far too late for this leopard to change his spots on immigration; here are 6 examples of Representative Erik Paulsen efforts that have harmed immigrant families and communities:
From 2017-2018 Paulsen voted to block consideration of the DREAM Act 18 times
Despite his lip service on immigration, Erik Paulsen has consistently voted to prevent the Dream Act from even seeing a vote on the House Floor.
Paulsen in 2015: Voted For Restarting Deportations of Undocumented Families and DREAMers
In 2015, Paulsen joined John Boehner’s attempt to tear families apart, yet do nothing to fix our immigration system. Paulsen and the GOP attempted to defund President Obama’s executive order to protect DREAMers and undocumented families.
Paulsen in 2014: Voted To End DACA, Then Voted to Restart Deportation of Millions of Undocumented Immigrants
In August of that 2014, Paulsen voted to block half a million undocumented immigrants’ ability to renew their status in the DACA program.
A mere four months after Paulsen voted to make 550,000 young undocumented immigrants eligible for deportation, he voted yes on HR5759, which erased President Obama’s temporary protections for DACA members against deportation.
Paulsen in 2013: Voted For Restarting Deportations of DREAMers
Paulsen found himself in the anti-immigrant company of Representative Steve King of Iowa, the author of a Paulsen supported amendmentthat would restart the deportations of DACA recipients.
Paulsen in 2010: Voted Against the DREAM Act
Paulsen entered the U.S. House of Representatives and continued his work against immigrants by helping to defeat the first attempt to protect the DREAMers.
Paulsen in 2007: Voted Against Tuition Assistance for Undocumented Immigrants
Even before Paulsen had a chance to join the GOP’s ranks in D.C., he was pushing the same anti-immigrant agenda. Voting against giving in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants who made it very clear they were here to stay.