Don’t blame this on the Democrats

To the Editor:

Congressman Erik Paulsen says that to get something done for DACA recipients, we can’t “let an activist base that hates the president stand in the way.”

Really? Does the Congressman need to be reminded that President Donald Trump is the one who ended DACA? Or that the Republican Party has been holding DREAMers hostage to achieve their policy goals?

If Erik Paulsen truly cared about giving DREAMers a path to citizenship, he would have insisted on a solution long ago, one independent of any other legislation. Instead he caters to the extremes of his party, only acting on DACA in conjunction with new, far-right border security policies.

Don’t blame this on the Democrats, Erik. It’s your party and your president that created this crisis

Sarah Eigenmann, Plymouth
Plymouth Sun-Sailor, July 10, 2018

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