DNC on Senate Voting to Adopt Cloture and Advance Kavanaugh Nomination

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after the Senate voted to invoke cloture and advance Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination:

“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is unfit to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a threat to women’s rights and Americans’ health care. He will fail to be an independent check on the president. He repeatedly misled and deceived the Senate Judiciary Committee, while showing a complete lack of judicial temperament and impartiality. And he faces multiple allegations of sexual assault.

“The White House limited the FBI’s ability to conduct a thorough investigation of Judge Kavanaugh’s past. Multiple news outlets have reported that the FBI was prohibited from speaking to dozens of people who came forward with information about Kavanaugh. The American people deserve a sincere search for the truth.

“This fight is not over. Americans across the country have been calling on their senators to vote ‘no’ on Brett Kavanaugh. Now it’s time to ramp up the pressure and make our voices heard. And no matter what happens in the Senate tomorrow, it’s up to all of us to vote in November.”

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