DNC on RNC’s Continued Refusal to Return Steve Wynn Money After New Confirmation of Sexual Assault and Harassment

DNC Women’s Media Director Elizabeth Renda released the following statement on the  Nevada Gaming Control Board year-long report, which confirms previously reported allegations that former RNC finance chairman Steve Wynn engaged in a pattern of sexual assault and harassment for more than a decade:

“We already know that a woman’s word alone means nothing to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Time and again, we’ve watched McDaniel dismiss the dozens of brave women who stood up to tell their harrowing stories of sexual assault and harassment at the hands of Steve Wynn as insufficient evidence. We’ve watched as she helped fund the campaign of Roy Moore, an alleged child molester, and supported a president who has been accused of sexual misconduct by over a dozen women. But today, she’s faced with more than just allegations.

“So, how will the RNC respond to the conclusive evidence of Wynn’s sexual misconduct presented by the Nevada Gaming Control Board? So far, with the same silence we’re all used to. McDaniel said herself that if the allegations against Wynn were proven true, the RNC would ‘absolutely return 100 percent of that money’ he donated to the organization. Yet today, in the face of an admission of guilt from Wynn Resorts Ltd., the RNC has continued its shameful silence. What more is it going to take for McDaniel to keep her promise?

“This is the Republican Party. This is the party of Steve Wynn, Donald Trump, and Roy Moore. Democrats will refuse to stand by while the Republican Party denigrates women. We will continue to stand side by side with women all across this country because we believe that women must be empowered and respected.”

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