DFL Party Statement on Minnesota Republicans’ Votes to Keep a Dangerous Bigot on Key House Committees

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA  – Today, the Minnesota DFL Party condemned Representatives Hagedorn, Emmer, Fischbach, and Stauber for voting to keep Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene on several key House Committees after her dangerous, extremist, and cruel behaviors and beliefs came to light.

Despite the Minnesota Republican delegation’s “no” votes, the House removed Representative Greene from the Budget Committee and the Committee on Education and Labor after it came to light that Greene:

DFL Party Chairman Ken Martin released the following statement: 

“It is appalling that Representatives Hagedorn, Emmer, Fischbach, and Stauber think Marjorie Taylor Greene, a violent, racist, conspiracy theorist belongs in Congress, let alone on the House Education Committee. Instead of standing up against dangerous extremism, Minnesota’s Republican Representatives defended a QAnon believer who harassed the survivors of a school shooting and expressed support for executing her political opponents.

“Here in Minnesota, we believe in treating everybody with dignity and respect, and it’s a genuine shame that Representatives Hagedorn, Emmer, Fischbach, and Stauber have turned their back on those Minnesota values.”

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