In the Know: November 28, 2018

In the Know: November 27, 2018

The 2018 election was not only a Democratic wave. It was one of historical proportions.
Democrats: 59,525,244 (53.2 percent of total popular vote)
Republicans: 50,516,570 (45.1 percent)

The raw vote margin, which is slightly over 9 million, is the largest gap between the two parties in the history of midterms, according to Wasserman. And the 8.1 percent spread between Democrats and Republicans is, according to Princeton professor Sam Wang, a larger percentage-point differential than in any recent wave midterm election including 1994 (R+7.1 percent), 2006 (D+8.0 percent), 2010 (R+7.2 percent) and 2014 (R+5.7 percent)

Given those raw vote numbers, you might be wondering why House Democrats didn’t pick up even more seats earlier this month. And the answer, in a word, is redistricting. Remember that Republicans controlled a huge number of state legislatures and governor’s mansions following their 2010 wave. That control meant the GOP got to draw the congressional lines in lots and lots of states, creating House districts that they believed would make it impossible for them to lose their House majority in the next decade. It took eight of those 10 years for Democrats to seize control, but there’s no question that the soon-to-be-majority party’s gains would have been far larger if not for the lines drawn by their GOP colleagues eight years ago. CNN Continue reading “In the Know: November 27, 2018”

In the Know: November 26, 2018

2018 Election
The party has left me: inside Minnesota’s shifting political geography, Fox 9
Counterpoint: Election of new DFL governor isn’t a loss for all businesses, Star Tribune
Here’s how your Minnesota neighborhood voted in the midterm election, MPR
Narrow loss in suburban Second District shows GOP’s national headwinds, Star Tribune
Minnesota voted for worker justice, Duluth News Tribune
Children of Hmong refugees elected in record numbers of Minnesota Legislature, KSTP

2019 Session
Minnesota business community reckons with Republican losses, DFL majority, Star Tribune
Minnesota House Democrats announce new committees and their leaders, Star Tribune
The Minnesota House of Representatives is going to be a little more representatives, MinnPost
House Democrats signal priorities in committee structure, MPR
Red tint in rural Minnesota presents a challenge for the DFL, Star Tribune

2020 Election 
Looking ahead to 2020, will Minnesota be a toss-up state, Star Tribune
Rise of big cities push Texas to swing-state territory, perhaps by 2020, The Hill
Klobuchar says she is still considering running in 2020, The Hill
Fresh from big Minnesota win, Klobuchar swept up in presidential speculation, Star Tribune
Senator Klobuchar not ruling out 2020 run, WCCO Continue reading “In the Know: November 26, 2018”

In the Know: November 16, 2018

2018 Election
Soybean farm belt sticks with GOP in midterms but Democrats gain ground, CNBC analysis shows, CNBC
‘Voter fraud’ claims foiled by pesky little things like logic, evidence, City Pages
A Maplewood City Council election was determined by a coin toss. But wait … it’s not over yet., Pioneer Press

California Wild Fires
Schools close in California as air quality worsens and deadly wildfires continue to burn, Think Progress

The Democratic debate about the next House Speaker, explained, Think Progress Continue reading “In the Know: November 16, 2018”

In the Know: November 15, 2018

2018 Election
The 2018 midterm races that still aren’t over, Vox
The Midterms Basically Destroyed What Was Left of the California GOP, Splinter
Trump torpedoed Colorado Republicans’ appeal to unaffiliated voters, new post-election poll says, Denver Post
Different Backgrounds, Common Purpose: Omar, Phillips Both Ready to Serve, KSTP
Continue reading “In the Know: November 15, 2018”

In the Know: November 14, 2018

In the Know: November 13, 2018

2018 Election
Minnesota Republicans puzzle over how to break statewide loosing streak, Star Tribune
From Richfield to Anoka, women of color made history in this year’s election , Star Tribune
Recounts ordered in Florida’s senate, governor races, Star Tribune
House 6B stays blue: Lislegard and Klobuchar buck Dem trend, Mesabi Daily News
Our View: Minnesota rocks voter turnout – again, Duluth News Tribune
Will the children save us? Check out how they voted in 2018, City Pages
Write-in candidates do change the outcome of an election; just now how you think, City Pages
Voting rate skyrocketed in Mankato, Mankato Free Press
Five takeaways from Minnesota’s 2018 election, Star Tribune
How the heads of the Minnesota DFL and GOP explain the election, MinnPost
More races go to Democrats, including Senate seat in Arizona, Star Tribune

2018 Election — Congress
10 notable people leaving Congress after the election, MPR
‘They’ve got a very different way of thinking’: Vote in 8th Congressional District shows a growing rural-urban divide, MPR
Minnesota is sending big freshman class to Congress, Star Tribune
No ‘blue wave,’ but Democrats midterm success is setting in, Star Tribune
How Minnesota’s battleground districts shifted in 2018 election, Star Tribune
Does Radinovich loss mark end of Democratic dominance in the 8th? Brainerd Dispatch
Minnesota’s 8th goes red, but for how long? Duluth News Tribune
The same state – and party – sent Rep. Collin Peterson and Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar to Congress. What does that mean for the Democrats’ agenda? MinnPost

2018 Election — Governor
Tim Walz brings fresh energy, sweeping agenda to governor’s office, Star Tribune
Walz starts transition to governor after big win, KARE
How Walz won: Flipping Trump districts while leaving Trump out of it, Pioneer Press
After mid-term victory, Gov.-Elect Walz empowered to to pursue agenda, WCCO

2018 Election — Attorney General
Keith Ellison: Thank you for electing me as your AG, and for your advice, Star Tribune

2018 Election — Legislature

Burnsville-area seats part of DFL sweep, Sun This Week

2019 session — Minnesota
Kurt Daudt will continue to lead Minnesota House Republicans, Star Tribune
GOP, DFL turn eyes to 2020 with split government until then, Star Tribune
The DFL will be in control of the Minnesota House. What does that mean for the environment? MinnPost
Duluth’s Liz Olson elected majority whip, Duluth News Tribune

2019 Session — Washington, DC
Meet the House Democrats who will be running the show, KARE

2020 Election
Why wait? Democrats openly flirt with 2020 White House bids, Star Tribune

Democrats flips Arizona US Senate seat with Sinema victory, CNN

Having new trouble hiring? Worker shortage is old problem in mental health, MPR

Farm Bill
Compromise options on farm bill titles I, II, Politico

Mishaps, protests and litigation overshadow Florida recount, MPR
Florida recount chugs along as more irregularities surface, Star Tribune

Gas Tax
How does Minnesota’s gas tax compare to other states? WCCO

The GOP’s Midwestern peril, The Week
Midterm aftermath: State GOP chair talks 2018 election, eyes 2020, Brainerd Dispatch

The most recent reports to the state Campaign Finance Board, which don’t include the final two weeks of the election, show that the DFL raised $13 million while the state GOP committee raised $728,500. The Republican Party of Minnesota still has a debt of $195,000. MinnPost

morning take has confirmed that Rep. Tom Emmer is running for NRCC chair, making him a powerful member of the new House Republican leadership as they look to rebuild after losing control last Tuesday. The vote among House Republicans is Wednesday evening. To date Emmer is the leading contender.  Last December, morning take wrote about Emmer’s growing power base and even hinted that leadership was in   As you may recall he endorsed Rep.-elect Pete Stauber early against the wishes of Stewart Mills. His CoS David Fitzsimmons was campaign manager for Rep.-elect Jim Hagedorn and top staffer Becky Alery was campaign manager for Rep. Jason Lewis. As the GOP has to defend CD1 and CD8 in 2020, and find recruits in CD2 and CD3, Emmer’s likely role at NRCC will be good news for the rebuilding Minnesota GOP.

“We’ve got to be worried about what’s happening in the suburbs. We get wiped out in the Dallas suburbs, Houston suburbs, Chicago suburbs, Denver suburbs — you know there’s a pattern — Detroit suburbs, Minneapolis suburbs, Orange County, California, suburbs. When we start to lose in the suburbs, it says something to us. We can’t replace all of those people by simply picking up (Minnesota’s First Congressional District) — farm country and the Iron range of Minnesota — because, frankly, there’s more growth in suburban areas than there is in rural areas.” Karl Rove

Johnson, Jeff

Jeff Johnson to retire from politics at the end of term, Star Tribune

Lewis, Jason
Rep. Lewis draws flak for blaming GOP election losses on John McCain, MPR

Page, Alan
Alan Page set to receive nation’s highest civilian honor, MPR

Paulsen, Erik
Trump calls out defeated Republicans: Paulsen did not want the embrace, MinnPost

St. Cloud
Election exposes deep divide in St. Cloud over refugees, MPR

Trump appears distracted and disengaged on Paris trip, Star Tribune
Fact check:  Trump’s rhetoric on voter fraud is misleading, MPR

Upcoming DFL Events

  • November 13, 7:00 PM — SD34 DFL Central Committee Meeting, more information as it becomes available
  • November 14
    • 6:30 PM
      • SD50 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Kennedy High School, 9701 Nicollet Ave, Bloomington, MN 55420.  Room C102
    • 7:00 PM
      • CD3 DFL Central Committee Meeting, 14600 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345  NOTE:  THIS MEETING IS ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN USUAL DUE TO THE THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY
      • SD45 DFL Central Committee Meeting, City of Crystal, 4141 Douglas Dr N, Crystal, MN 55422
  • November 15
    • 5:00 PM — Only One More State! ERA Minnesota Annual Fundraiser, 1203 Scheffer Ave, Saint Paul MN 55116. RSVP here.
    • 7:00 PM — SD40 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Brookdale Library, 6125 Shingle Creek Parkway, Room C, Brooklyn Center MN 55430
  • November 17, 12:00 PM — DFL Environmental Caucus Meeting, Ramsey County Library, 2180 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113. More information and RSVP here.
  • November 18, 5:00 to 8:00 PM  — SD46 DFL West Metro Meet-Up, Meeting Room, Davanni’s, 663 Winnetka Ave N, Golden Valley, MN 55427
  • November 19, 7:00 PM — Brooklyn Park DFL Meeting, Brooklyn Park Public Library, 6500 W Broadway Ave, Brooklyn Park, MN
  • November 22 — Thanksgiving Day

In the Know: November 9, 2018

2018 Election
Minnesota GOP ‘soul searching’ after statewide drubbing, MPR
Suburban voters didn’t just elect Democrats to Congress and the Legislature, they drove DFL victories statewide, MinnPost
The morning after the morning after: What we learned from the 2018 election, MinnPost
In Minnesota and nationally, the election was about Trump U panel agrees, MinnPost
Five Hmong lawmakers, two judges elected in metro area, Pioneer Press
Ilhan Omar joins bipartisan ‘U’ panel on election results, WCCO
Democrats show signs of life in Rust Belt, Midwest states that gave Trump electoral win, NBC

Here are the turnout numbers by Minnesota Congressional district morning take

  • CD1:  291,000
  • CD2: 337,000
  • CD3: 363,000
  • CD4: 315,000
  • CD5: 342,000
  • CD 6: 315,000
  • CD 7: 282,000
  • CD 8: 301,000

Continue reading “In the Know: November 9, 2018”

In the Know: November 8, 2018

2018 Election
Five takeaways from Minnesota’s 2018 election, Star Tribune
From donning a hijab on Capitol Hill to LGBT representation, a look at Minnesota’s firsts this election, Star Tribune
Minority candidates see both success and veiled racism, Star Tribune
Five Hmong lawmakers, two judges elected in metro area, Pioneer Press
Trump’s endorsement meant squat, Politico
Midterms delivered high-profile defeats in Hennepin, Ramsey counties, MPR
Judd ‘at a loss for words’ about winning Moorhead mayor’s race, MPR
10 Minnesota firsts in mid-term election, MPR
Minnesota poised to get two new major pot parities, MPR
Rainbow wave: How did the record number of LGBTQ nominees fare? MPR
Some tight Minnesota districts must now ask, how close is too close to call? Fox 9
Chad Hartman show: Angie Craig and Keith Ellison, WCCO
Nearly 2.6 million Minnesotans turn out, set midterm voting record in state, Star Tribune
A big night for labor, Workday Minnesota

Elections, especially gubernatorial elections in Minnesota break in the last 10 days. After the Tree of Life synagogue shooting, and the lack of ANY narrative change in the gubernatorial race it became clear that it was going to be a challenge for Johnson to catch Walz. It also became clear, after days in a row of dueling news conferences that the GOP’s greatest hope for statewide victory – Doug Wardlow – was running out of material on Keith Ellison. Ultimately Republicans lost in Minnesota statwide because of the DFL operation and the electoral winds. However, there are two examples form the Johnson and Wardlow campaigns respectively that cost them each an ability to break through. For Johnson, it was the #OverThrowtheStatusQuo theme – while MNLARS, MNSure, nursing home safety and other issues can traced back to state government bureaucracy issues – most Minnesotans are content and pretty happy with life in Minnesota. “Overthrowing” that concept was unlikely to get over 50 percent. For Wardlow, after the KSTP debate he never came up with anything that he was for – other than being against Ellison and the flawed Ellison record. Ultimately DFLers came home to support Ellison – however the image that the DFL spent a lot of money getting in people’s heads was that Wardlow would take Minnesota “backwards” The ad, complete with showing Wardlow walking backyards gave DFLers comfort that they weren’t necessarily voting for Ellison but rather stopping Wardlow from “turning back” some of the progressive causes like LGBT rights and same-sex marriage. Going backwards on those issues is not an option – ever. morning take Continue reading “In the Know: November 8, 2018”

In the Know: November 7, 2018

727 days until the Nov. 3, 2020 election

Thank you candidates, volunteers and DFL staff! Together we are building a #MNforAll.

2018 Election
Complete election results, Star Tribune
Minnesota mid-terms winds up mostly in Dem column, Star Tribune
Suburban voters push Democrats to victory in Minnesota, Star Tribune
A divided nation – and Minnesota – turn a shade bluer, Star Tribune
Five takeaways from a divisive midterm election, The Hill
An ‘above average’ election night for Minnesota Democrats, MPR
Democratic control of the House trouble for Trump and six other election takeaways, MPR
A list of firsts for women in this year’s midterm elections, MPR
‘Revved up’: Minnesota voters pack polls for midterms, MPR
Democrats win top seats in many seat in Minnesota’s midterm elections, WCCO
Walz to be next governor; Ellison wins contentious AG race; DFL takes Minnesota House, MinnPost

Over 2.5 million votes were cast in the major statewide races. At over 61 percent, this is the highest midterm turnout in Minnesota since 2002. morning take Continue reading “In the Know: November 7, 2018”