In the Know: April 10, 2019

CEOs of big banks face off with House Democrats, Star Tribune
Trump touts tariffs on $11B of EU products, The Hill
CEOs Of Big Banks Face Tough Questioning On Capitol Hill, NPR

Trump’s order would make it harder to block pipelines, MPR
UMN researchers look for solutions to corn-based pollution, Minnesota Daily
This Oil Spill Has Been Leaking Into The Gulf For 14 Years, NPR

Equal Rights
Investigators believe fires at 3 black churches in Louisiana were intentionally set, official says, CNN Continue reading “In the Know: April 10, 2019”

In the Know: April 9, 2019

The Final Battle in Big Tech’s War to Dominate Your World, The New Republic

Attorney General Keith Ellison
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison hears about concerns from Broadmoor Valley residents, Marshall Independent

U.S. warns of new tariffs on Europe over Airbus subsidies, MPR
CorePower comes under fire for low instructor pay, pushing pricey teacher training programs, Star Tribune
CVS to offer same-day prescription delivery vie Target-owned Shipt, Star Tribune Continue reading “In the Know: April 9, 2019”

In the Know: April 8, 2019

Socialism or savior? Some dairy farmers call for supply management to save industry, Politico

Climate Change
Global warming is shrinking glaciers faster than thought, Star Tribune

Three Minnesota congressmen actually vote against Violence Against Women Act, City Pages
McConnell’s hypocrisy on the courts, The Hill Continue reading “In the Know: April 8, 2019”

In the Know: April 5, 2019

Attorney General Keith Ellison
Attorney General Ellison joins multi-state coalition suing Trump Administration for gutting key nutritional standards for school meals, Insight News

House condemns Trump’s bid to get rid of Obamacare, Politico
House Democrats are suing the Trump administration over the border wall, Vox
Ted Cruz Sues Federal Election Commission, NPR
How Trump Conspired with the Freedom Caucus to Shut Down the Government, Politico
House Democrats explain why it’s taken 3 months to authorize subpoenas into Trump, Vox

Trump choice of Herman Cain for Fed board could face hurdles, Star Tribune
Romney dings Herman Cain for Trump’s Fed, Politico
Wage Growth and the Shortage of Construction Workers, Beat the Press
Senators To Consumer Watchdog: Prove You’re Protecting Student Borrowers, NPR Continue reading “In the Know: April 5, 2019”

In the Know: April 4, 2019

House Dems To Grill Tech Companies On White Nationalism, Hate Crimes, TPM
Another GOP Voter Fraud Claim Falls Apart, and Democrats See an Opening, The American Prospect

US companies’ tax windfall fuels record share buybacks, Star Tribune
Jamie Dimon says tax cuts added $3.7 billion to JPMorgan’s profit, CNN
Where in The U.S. Are You Most Likely to Be Audited by the IRS?, Workday Minnesota
Trump’s All-Too-Common White-Collar Mischief, The Atlantic

Education Privatizers Have Gone Global. So Must We If We Want to Stop Them., In These Times Continue reading “In the Know: April 4, 2019”

In the Know: April 3, 2019

2020 Census
Billions of dollars, house seat on the line for Minnesota in 2020 Census, KSTP
Rather Than Lose Seat In U.S. House, MN Shores Up Census Efforts, WCCO

Attorney General Keith Ellison
Minnesota AG Ellison Joins Suit Challenging Census Citizenship Question, Voice of Alexandria

Top Finance Dem to propose annually taxing wealthy people’s investment gains, The Hill
The Day the Dinosaurs Died, The New Yorker Continue reading “In the Know: April 3, 2019”

In the Know: April 2, 2019

Attorney General Keith Ellison
Minnesota joins fight to exclude citizenship question from Census, Pioneer Press

District Energy St. Paul stops burning coal, Bring Me the News
America’s new recycling crisis, explained by an expert, Vox
Canada warming at twice the global rate, climate report finds, The Guardian Continue reading “In the Know: April 2, 2019”

In the Know: April 1, 2019

Call of The Senate (MN Senate DFL Podcast, link)
MN Values Podcast (MN House DFL Podcast, link)

Governor Tim Walz
Governor Walz Signs Bill to Expand Recovery Loan Program for Farmers, Mille Lacs Messenger
Stillwater resident reappointed as Explore Minnesota Tourism Director, The Gazette
Budget proposal could benefit Maple Grove area transit, CCX Media

Representative Betty McCollum
Trump contradicts his own plan to slash Great Lakes preservation funds, Akron Beacon Journal

Attorney General Keith Ellison
Ellison, Kent, Sandell address consumer protection, gun laws, current bills at listening session, Woodbury Bulletin Continue reading “In the Know: April 1, 2019”

In the Know: March 29, 2019

9 ideas to fight or prevent the next recession, Vox

GOP Gears Up For Battle As Dems Aim To Eradicate Partisan Gerrymandering, TPM

Wisconsin appeals court restores laws from lame-duck session, Minnesota Lawyer
After election fraud scandal, North Carolina GOP candidates lean into the absurd, Think Progress

Health Care
Taken for a Ride: How Ambulance Debt Afflicts the Extreme Poor, The American Prospect Continue reading “In the Know: March 29, 2019”

In the Know: March 28, 2019

Attorney General Keith Ellison
AG Keith Ellison throws support behind Liberians fighting to stay in the U.S., Pioneer Press
Minnesota joins suit on behalf of transgender student, MPR
AG reaches settlement in labor rights case — on an issue that figured into Ellison’s decision to run for the office, MinnPost
State AG’s office needs reinforcements, Star Tribune

Facebook is finally banning white nationalist content, Vox

Betsy DeVos Defends Slashing Funds for the Special Olympics, Time
Kennedy says DeVos’ proposal to cut Special Olympics funding is ‘cruel’ and ‘misguided’, CNN Continue reading “In the Know: March 28, 2019”