Devin Nunes’ income called into question as watchdog groups asks for investigation of his finances

AlterNet logoAccording to a report from the Fresno Bee,the non-partisan Campaign Legal Center is requesting a federal investigation into whether U.S. Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) is receiving legal services in violation of House ethics rules.

Over the past year, the conservative Republicans has launched a handful of lawsuits against critics — including the McClatchy newspaper chain and a person on Twitter purporting to be one of his cows.

According to the Bee, “The complaint says Nunes appears to be in ‘blatant violation of House rules,’ because he would have trouble paying for all these lawsuits solely from his congressional salary of $174,000 per year. The group argues he’d only be able to pay if he received legal services for free, at a discounted rate, or based on a contingency fee, meaning the lawyer would get compensated from Nunes’ winnings if he prevails in his lawsuits.” Continue reading.