Rep. Phillips Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Bill to Repeal Medical Device Tax

WASHINGTON, DCToday, Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) announced that he is an original co-sponsor of the bipartisan Protect Medical Innovation Act, which was introduced in the House today. The bill would permanently repeal the medical device tax. Minnesota’s Third District has more medical technology companies than any other Congressional District in Minnesota.

“The medical device tax has overstayed its welcome, and I am pleased to join my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to push for its permanent repeal,” said Phillips. “Too many jobs have been lost and too much innovation has been stifled due to this tax which disproportionately impacts our community. Our government should be supporting progress and new technology, especially in health care. The medical device tax is counterproductive to that mission, and that’s why it has to go.”

The medical device tax is a 2.3% excise tax on the sale of most medical technologies that was enacted as part of the Affordable Care Act. In January, Congress suspended the tax until December 31, 2019, but it has yet to be fully repealed. The US Department of Commerce estimates that nearly 29,000 medical technology industry jobs were lost while the tax was in effect.

Rep. Phillips Votes for Passage of the Save the Internet Act

WASHINGTON, DCRep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) voted for the Save the Internet Act, which passed the House today. The bill creates popular, targeted net neutrality protections that benefit consumers and small businesses.

“Americans demand and deserve transparency and accountability from all of our institutions, and as members of Congress, it’s our job to deliver,” said Phillips. “This legislation ensures that the open internet remains an independent resource for all Americans and stops giant corporations from bending it to their will. The Save the Internet Act represents the kind of progress and transparency that we should all be working hard for, and I urge Mitch McConnell to bring it to a vote in the Senate.”

A University of Maryland poll found that 86 percent of Americans, including an overwhelming 82 percent of Republicans, opposed the FCC’s net neutrality rollback in 2018.

The Save the Internet Act restores common sense transparency for the digital age by enacting rules against blocking and paid prioritization, supporting increased broadband access in rural areas, and protecting consumers and small businesses from existing and future abusive internet service practices.

Yesterday Mitch McConnell proclaimed that the bill is “dead on arrival” in the Senate despite its popularity. Similar legislation in the 115th Congress passed the Senate and had 182 bipartisan signers in the House.

Rep. Phillips Voices Opposition to Current Plan to Raise Spending Caps

WASHINGTON, DCToday, Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) voiced his opposition to a Democratic bill to raise current limits on discretionary spending. The bill, H.R. 2021, does not include spending cuts or revenue increases to offset the cost of raising the spending caps. Rep. Phillips voted “no” on a procedural vote today that would advance the bill to the House Floor for consideration.

After the vote, Speaker Pelosi announced that she would abandon plans to bring the bill to the Floor, due to opposition from members of the Democratic caucus. 

“The current federal budget deficit is over a trillion dollars,” said Rep. Phillips. “For the sake of future generations, we need to make sure that any additional spending is done responsibly. Raising spending caps without offsetting the costs elsewhere continues the trend of running up the federal deficit with no end in sight. I voted ‘no’ today because we need more time to determine how to prioritize and pay for important investments in public health, education, infrastructure, housing, and environmental protections without further bloating our out-of-control deficit.”

Rep. Phillips to Host Community Conversation on Minnesota’s Opioid Crisis

MINNETONKA, MINNESOTARep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) will host a free and open-to-the-public community conversation focused on Minnesota’s opioid crisis on Monday, April 22nd in Shorewood. Phillips will join a panel of experts including health care providers, community advocates and government officials for a conversation about the opioid crisis and how Minnesotans from all walks of life are innovating and organizing towards a solution.


WHEN:          Monday, April 22, 2019  Doors open at 6:00 PM, conversation start at 6:30 PM

WHERE:        Shorewood Community & Event Center, 5735 Country Club Rd, Shorewood, MN 55331


  • Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03)                       
  • State Sen. Chris Eaton          
  • Additional guests to be announced

Congressman Dean Phillips Named 2019 Medicare Advantage Champion

Congressman Dean Phillips (center) met with senior constituents in his district and health care stakeholders including Roxanne Jenkins, Lutheran Social Services; Bob Stein, Minnesota Association of Health Underwriters; and Jeff Prendergast, Silver Sneakers Minnesota

Rep Phillips Meets with Seniors to Talk About Protecting and Improving Access to Quality, Affordable Care in Minnesota

Minnetonka, MN—Congressman Dean Phillips, MN-03, was named a 2019 Medicare Advantage Champion and was presented with the award by constituents in his district earlier this month. Congressman Phillips received the recognition for signing a bipartisan letter to preserve and strengthen the Medicare Advantage program for seniors in Minnesota and across the country. The meeting was organized by Better Care America, a nationwide voice for affordable and innovative health care.

“It’s time for us to make the moral decision that all Americans deserve access to affordable, quality healthcare,” said Rep. Phillips. “I’m committed to protecting and strengthening earned benefits like Medicare Advantage and lowering the cost of prescription drugs for our seniors and their families.”

Rep. Phillips Slams the NRA for Influencing Votes on the VioIence Against Women Act Reauthorization

Phillips: “That’s exactly why we need to get special interests and big money out of politics.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) co-sponsored and voted in support of reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. The historically bipartisan effort split along party lines when the NRA announced it would be recommending a “No” vote and scoring members of Congress based on their vote this week.

“The House stood up for women and reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act today,” said Phillips. “But this year the NRA is keeping score. That was enough to take what should be an easy, commonsense, bipartisan bill to protect women and strongarm Republicans into opposing it. That’s inexcusable, and that’s exactly why we need to get special interests and big money out of politics.”

The Violence Against Women Act reauthorization passed the house largely along party lines and included provisions to keep guns out of the hands of convicted domestic abusers for the first time.

In more than half of mass shootings between 2009 and 2016, the perpetrator shot a current or former intimate partner or family member, according to a report by Everytown for Gun Safety. Rep. Phillips is a gun owner who supports keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers.

Rep. Phillips Votes in Support of Resolution Condemning the Trump Administration’s Assault on Health Care

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) voted in support of a House Resolution condemning the Trump Administration’s legal campaign to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.

Last week, President Trump asked a federal court to strike down the entirety of the ACA.

“This move by the Trump Administration is outrageous and unacceptable,” said Phillips. “Everywhere I go in Minnesota I meet families who do everything the right way, only to see their savings wiped out by the cost of an unexpected health condition. We should be working together across the aisle to strengthen the Affordable Care Act, fix the aspects that need fixing, bring down costs and lower the price of prescription drugs. Instead, we have a White House that wants to take health care away from 20 million Americans.” Continue reading “Rep. Phillips Votes in Support of Resolution Condemning the Trump Administration’s Assault on Health Care”

Rep. Phillips Calls Out President Trump’s Assault on Health Care on the House Floor

Phillips: “What is our President thinking?”

WASHINGTON, DCThis morning, Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) spoke on the House Floor to criticize efforts to dismantle the ACA and urge the President and GOP to join efforts to lower premiums and costs.

Last week, House Democrats introduced a bill led by Rep. Angie Craig (MN-02) and co-sponsored by Rep. Phillips, which would lower health care premiums by providing funding to states to establish reinsurance programs or provide financial assistance to individuals enrolled in qualified health plans.

Rep. Phillips is also a co-sponsor of the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act of 2019, which would lower prescription drug prices by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices directly with pharmaceutical companies and authorize generic competition when negotiations fail. Continue reading “Rep. Phillips Calls Out President Trump’s Assault on Health Care on the House Floor”

Rep. Phillips Helps to Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Fully Fund Special Education

Washington, DC – Rep. Dean Phillips today joined Reps. Jared Huffman (D-CA), John Katko (R-NY), Joe Neguse (D-CO), David McKinley (R-WV), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Kurt Schrader (D-OR), Glen Thompson (R-PA), and Sens, Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), and Pat Roberts (R-KS), in introducing the IDEA Full Funding Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was passed in 1975 to give children with disabilities equal access and opportunity in their education. The bipartisan IDEA Full Funding Act would make good on Congress’s promise to fully fund IDEA after 40 years of failing to do so.

“In America, the promise of quality public education should be extended to all children,” said Rep. Phillips. “For 40 years, students and schools have waited as Congress failed to deliver on this unfunded mandate. I urge more of my colleagues in both chambers and parties to join me in supporting the IDEA Full Funding Act to relieve financial burden from families and schools and to ensure a world class education for all students.” Continue reading “Rep. Phillips Helps to Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Fully Fund Special Education”

Rep. Phillips Statement on President Trump Signing a One Year Extension of DED

Today, Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) issued the following statement on President Trump signing a one year extension of Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) status for Liberians.

“This is excellent news and I am thrilled for our Liberian community. They are our family and deserve admiration for their relentless fight for this DED extension. The White House has been responsive and helpful throughout this process and I am grateful to President Trump for hearing our voices and taking action.

I look forward to working with my colleagues on legislative solutions over the next year to prevent the need for more extensions.”