Rep. Dean Phillips Update: February 28, 2020


The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been declared a “public health emergency of international concern” by the World Health Organization (WHO). As your representative in Washington, I promise to advocate for the safety and security of Minnesotans at home and abroad, and I’ll do my best to keep you informed.

In Washington, I’m monitoring the situation closely. The Minneapolis-Saint Paul Airport is one of the busiest in the nation, and thousands of Minnesota businesses and families rely on air travel. That’s why I asked the CDC and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for more information about their contingency plans for air travel restrictions related to the outbreak last month. And today, I teamed up with a bipartisan group of my freshmen colleagues to ask House and Senate leadership for supplemental funding to address the coronavirus outbreak.

I also had the opportunity to ask Sec. Mike Pompeo about the State Department’s plan to keep Americans safe in a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing this morning. We must tackle the emerging coronavirus epidemic with a united front at home and overseas, and ensure that our public health officials are afforded the resources to do so effectively:

Click here to watch my conversation with Sec. Mike Pompeo about coronavirus
Play Button

Whether an outbreak of coronavirus reaches Minnesota or not, we all have a role to play in keeping our community healthy – wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, cover your cough, and please stay home if you are sick.

If you have questions about coronavirus, the Minnesota Department of Health is the best point of contact. You can reach them at 651-201-5414 or online here. If you need assistance with a federal agency related to coronavirus (or anything else), my team is available to help by phone at 952-656-5176, online, in person Monday-Friday from 9:00AM -6:00PM at 13911 Ridgedale Drive, or at weekly mobile office hours.

Keep the faith and keep in touch,

Dean Phillips
Member of Congress


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Rep. Dean Phillips introduces bill to promote ranked choice voting

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Dean Phillips (MN-03), Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Senator Angus King (I-ME) introduced bicameral legislation to support local and state governments that choose to transition to a ranked choice voting (RCV) model for elections. The Voter Choice Act would provide $40 million in federal grants to cover up to 50 percent of the cost for local and state governments that voluntarily choose to transition to RCV.

In most U.S. elections a simple majority is needed to win, creating outcomes that often fail to represent the desires of close to half of all voters and allow third party candidates to perversely act as “spoilers”. RCV addresses such deficiencies by allowing voters to rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate earns a majority of first choice votes, the last-place candidate is eliminated. In a second count, voters who chose the eliminated candidate will be counted for their second choice – and the process repeats until one candidate earns a majority. Evidence suggests that by rewarding candidates for appealing to a broad swathe of voters RCV can discourage extreme partisanship, incent a greater focus on substantive issues, and ensure that election winners better reflect the views of most voters.

In Minnesota’s Third District, Bloomington and Minnetonka have introduced RCV ballot initiatives. Last week, Rep. Phillips joined a bipartisan group of Minnesota political and business leaders in calling for RCV for presidential primaries in a Star Tribune opinion piece.

 “Restoring faith in government begins with improving our electoral system.” said Phillips. “Ranked Choice Voting is simple, empowers voters, and rewards candidates who broaden support beyond their base. This bill provides resources to communities seeking change without pressuring any that do not. I am proud to work with Sens. Bennet and King on this important initiative and will advocate for its passage in the House.”

“The success of RCV in Minneapolis, St. Paul and St. Louis Park in Minnesota over the past decade has helped lead the way for the reform nationwide,” said Jeanne Massey, executive director of FairVote, said. “We are grateful to Rep. Phillips and Senators Kings and Bennet for their vision and support for these efforts to make our electoral system more inclusive, civil, and representative.”

“A partisan fever is imperiling our democracy,” said Bennet. “I believe ranked choice voting can lower the temperature by giving voters more choices, discouraging slash-and-burn politics, and rewarding candidates who appeal to a broad majority of voters. Our bill encourages states and local governments that wish to adopt this promising reform.”

“When it comes down to it, Ranked Choice Voting is essentially an instant runoff – with the added benefit of capturing the voters’ priorities on election day, and without the added expense of a completely new election,” said King. “By incentivizing candidates to build consensus rather than amplify divisions, we can take important steps to de-escalate the polarized political conflict we see all around us. If state and local governments choose to pursue Ranked Choice Voting, I’m all for helping them implement the process.”

To date, Maine has adopted RCV for all federal elections, while states like Alabama and South Carolina have embraced RCV to allow overseas and military voters to participate in runoff elections. In addition to Minnesota, local governments in Colorado, New Mexico, Tennessee have also adopted some RCV for municipal elections.

The text of the legislation is available HERE. A one-page summary of the legislation is available HERE.

Reps. Phillips, Joyce Introduce RECYCLE Act to Increase Participation in Community Recycling

WASHINGTON, DCFebruary 13, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and Rep. David Joyce (R-OH) introduced H.R. 5906, the bipartisan Recycling Enhancements to Collection and Yield through Consumer Learning and Education (RECYCLE) Act. The bill authorizes $15 million per year for five years in grants to states, tribes, nonprofits, public partnerships, and local governments looking to increase community outreach, awareness and education on recycling.

The RECYCLE Act also directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a model recycling toolkit to increase recycling participation and decrease contamination, strengthening recycling streams, while more frequently updating guidelines for products containing recycled material.

“Around the country, people are expressing confusion about recycling guidelines –often it’s not at all clear how best to dispose of materials responsibly,” Rep. Dean Phillips said. “This bill will lower the number of recyclable materials that end up in the landfill due to contamination. I am proud to co-lead the RECYCLE Act with Rep. Joyce, and I look forward to working with my colleagues, on both sides of the aisle, to get this to the President’s desk.” Continue reading “Reps. Phillips, Joyce Introduce RECYCLE Act to Increase Participation in Community Recycling”

Rep. Dean Phillips: What did YOU think about the State of the Union?

Hi Neighbors,

Representation begins with listening, so I’d love to hear your thoughts after last night’s State of the Union address:

I attended the State of the Union with my guest, Brooklyn Park Mayor Jeff Lunde. Mayor Lunde and I are on opposite sides of the aisle, but we know that our core responsibility is to listen and to get things done for the people we both have the honor of representing. In an era of increasing partisanship and division, Mayor Lunde and I have worked together on light rail, job training, housing, and immigration – and in doing so, we hope to provide an antidote to what ails this country. That’s why I was proud to have him as my guest, to wear the color purple, and to sit with a bipartisan group of my colleagues during the speech last night.

And now, we’d like to extend a challenge to you… Continue reading “Rep. Dean Phillips: What did YOU think about the State of the Union?”

Rep. Phillips invites Brooklyn Park Mayor Jeff Lunde to the State of the Union Speech

Phillips and Lunde have worked together to protect Liberians on DED and to expand light rail and affordable housing in the north metro

WASHINGTON, DC Rep. Dean Phillips (D, MN-03) announced today that Republican Mayor Jeff Lunde (Brooklyn Park) will be his guest at the State of the Union address in Washington, D.C. on February 4, 2020.

Mayor Lunde was recently honored by The Hill as one of “Six Mayors Making A Difference” in America for his work to unite Brooklyn Park behind the push for a pathway to citizenship for the community’s flourishing Liberian community. Throughout 2019, Phillips and Lunde worked closely together to bridge the partisan divide and protect Liberians on Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). The two officials were part of a bipartisan coalition of local leaders, community activists, and members of Congress that advocated permanent residency solution for the community, an effort ending with an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act thatprovides a pathway to citizenship to Liberian DED holders for the first time, which President Trump signed into law on Dec. 20, 2019.

Phillips and Lunde are also collaborating on ongoing efforts to extend Blue Line light rail and expand access to affordable housing for their constituents in the north metro. Continue reading “Rep. Phillips invites Brooklyn Park Mayor Jeff Lunde to the State of the Union Speech”

Rep. Phillips hosts conversation on affordable housing

Discussion in Maple Grove featured a panel of experts

Affordable housing was the topic of a community conversation hosted by Dean Phillips, the U.S. representative for Minnesota’s Third Congressional District.

The Jan. 24 event at Maple Grove Government Center featured a panel of experts for a solutions-focused discussion on affordable housing.

During his first year in office, the congressman said, affordable housing is a topic that has come up many times during conversations with constituents, community leaders, businesses and advocacy organizations. In that time, Phillips said he’s seen how access to affordable housing impacts people and how it compounds complicated issues like domestic violence, achievement gaps and workforce shortages. Continue reading.

Rep. Phillips sends letter requesting coronavirus info

WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Dean Phillips sent a letter (attached) today to the heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requesting information about contingency plans for air travel restrictions related to the recent coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China.

“I write with concern over the coronavirus and the five recently confirmed and several unconfirmed travel-related cases in the United States and its potential effects to air travel. While the immediate risk to the U.S. public is low, I write to inquire about contingency plans for air travel restrictions if the CDC, public health experts, and the FAA deem such restrictions necessary,” Phillips said. “Businesses in Minnesota and around our country rely on regular travel between our nation and many of those nations affected, including China. While I appreciate your work in protecting public health, I think it is important to remain calm while being vigilant. As soon as possible, please provide the Minnesota delegation with any contingency plans your organizations have in response to this growing public health concern.  As you know, an update would be helpful for the many companies and businesses that rely on air travel.”

Travel restrictions would potentially impact the work at The Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport, which is the 17th busiest U.S. airport for passengers and the second largest hub for Delta Air Lines. More than 100,000 average passengers travel through the airport every day, with over 38 million travelers annually.

Download the letter below:

20-01-27 Phillips Ltr Corona Virus


Rep. Dean Phillips Update: January 24, 2020

Hi Friend,

I’m checking in before the weekend to share a few updates from my week…


Tuesday marked the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Citizens United ruling, which said that corporations are people and money is speech. Since then, we’ve all watched as the corrupting influence of big money in politics disenfranchises and frustrates millions of Americans. This week, I wrote an op-ed about my work on H.R. 1, and I’m continuing to make campaign finance reform a mission in my service. Together we can and must fix this, and I’m taking a little inspiration from Martin Luther King, Jr. – “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Continue reading “Rep. Dean Phillips Update: January 24, 2020”

Rep. Dean Phillips to Convene Affordable Housing Community Conversation Tomorrow

MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA – Tomorrow, January 24th, Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) will host a free and open-to-the-public community conversation on affordable housing at Maple Grove Government Center at 2:00 PM. Phillips will facilitate a solutions-focused discussion with a panel of experts before taking questions from the audience.

The event is Phillips’s seventh community conversation and 14th free public forum since his election. Past events focused on government reform, the opioid crisis, veterans services, workforce development, mental health issues, federal fiscal responsibility, and the environment and have resulted in Phillips taking direct legislative action in Congress.

WHAT:  Community Conversation on Affordable Housing


Friday, January 24, 2020
Doors open: 1:30 PM
Conversation begins: 2:00 PM

Maple Grove Government Center, Emergency Operations Center
12800 Arbor Lakes Parkway North
Maple Grove, MN 55369

Rep. Dean Phillips: Clean up our campaign finance system

When I speak to groups visiting Washington, D.C. or to my constituents back home as I travel around my west metro district, I often start by telling them something that most find surprising: I love my job.

This usually elicits laughter — understandably, given the current state of affairs — but it’s true. As I reflect on my first year representing Minnesota’s Third District in Congress, I do so with deep gratitude for the opportunity to serve in these historic times. I have made lasting friendships, met people and visited places I never would have encountered before, and achieved several legislative successes along the way.

Still, there’s no denying the fact that Congress is broken, and our politics are in serious need of repair. I speak often about the deficiencies of the social and physical design of Congress, as well as the rules that govern our process and procedures. For now, however, I’d like to focus on the single most important impediment to meaningful progress at the federal level: money in politics. Continue reading.