Dean Phillips on Erik Paulsen and Special Interest Money

“Erik Paulsen has taken more special interest money than nearly any other member of Congress, and that buys him nice TV ads. Unfortunately, this is just another misrepresentation of truth from Rep. Paulsen – who has consistently voted against environmental protections during his 30 year political career. To understand why, you just have to follow the money. I believe voters will see through this election year posturing and vote this November for someone who is not beholden to special interests or party leadership.”


League of Conservation Voters: Erik Paulsen has a 16% lifetime score.

Clean Water Action 2016 Scorecard: Erik Paulsen 0%.

Environment America: Erik Paulsen has a 15% score for 2017.

FiveThirtyEight: Erik Paulsen votes with President Trump 97.6% of the time.

Open Secrets: Erik Paulsen has taken the 8th most PAC money in the US House of Representatives.

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