Bill Shine Departing White House Under Ethical Cloud

Bill Shine, the former president of Fox News, resigned from his position as White House communications director on Friday, the fifth person to leave that role under President Donald Trump. He will be joining the president’s re-election campaign, which is not an uncommon transition for a White House official to make mid-term.

But Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics, pointed out that there’s an ominous cloud hanging over Shine’s White House tenure:

Walter Shaub


While in government—

Shine receives $$ from Fox

Gives Hannity a high 5 at Trump event

Strips Fox competitor of WH credential

Ends regular press conferences, thereby giving Fox an advantage as to its access to POTUS + WH

Can’t get financial disclosure approved

Quits abruptly

Citizens for Ethics


Why did the government never certify Bill Shine’s financial disclosure?

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Indeed, New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer found in a bombshell article this week that Shine has been receiving a $7 million payout from Fox News while he’s been working at the White House. Some speculated it may even have been Mayer’s revelations that triggered Shine’s departure.

View the complete March 9 article by Cody Fenwick on the National Memo website here.

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