Bill Barr doesn’t know the difference between justice and revenge

AlterNet logoAlterNet logoApparently Attorney General Bill Barr is a big fan of movies like Death Wish and Dirty Harry. That’s what we learn from an interview he did with Kary Antholis on the Crime Story podcast. He talked about the idea that a sense of justice is hardwired into human beings, who find it satisfying.

Barr elaborated on his theory of justice, recalling the Charles Bronson movie Death Wish and Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry, icons of vigilantism in ’70s filmmaking that spawned movie franchises.
Barr elaborated on his theory of justice, recalling the Charles Bronson movie Death Wish and Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry, icons of vigilantism in ’70s filmmaking that spawned movie franchises.

View the complete August 9 article by Nancy LeTourneau from The Washington Monthly on the AlterNet website here.

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