Betsy DeVos’ predecessor says new TItle IX rules will dissuade victims from reporting sexual assault

Credit: Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ predecessor said in an interview that DeVos’ proposed new Title IX rules designed to strengthen the rights of accused sexual assaulters will have the adverse effect of dissuading victims from coming forward.

“One of the likely effects of the rules as currently proposed is that people who today would report what happened to them and be protected will now be afraid to do so,” John King Jr., who served as secretary of education during former President Barack Obama’s final year in office, said Tuesday in an interview with Mic.

On Friday, DeVos proposed sweeping changes to Title IX rules — which dictate how education institutions that receive federal funds handle allegations of sexual harassment and assault.

View the complete November 21 article by Emily C. Singer on the Mic.com website here.

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