‘Beautiful’ and ‘Lovely’: Trump Tweets Reflect Fixation on Women’s Appearances Image

The following article by Maggie Haberman was posted on the New York Times website August 12, 2018:

When President Trump took to Twitter to complain about two women with connections to the Russia investigation, he affixed special descriptions to both.

“Beautiful,” he said of Nellie Ohr, the wife of a Justice Department official who worked for Fusion GPS, the research firm that commissioned a dossier that made salacious claims about Mr. Trump.

Donald J. Trump


The big story that the Fake News Media refuses to report is lowlife Christopher Steele’s many meetings with Deputy A.G. Bruce Ohr and his beautiful wife, Nelly. It was Fusion GPS that hired Steele to write the phony & discredited Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary & the DNC….

In a separate tweet, Mr. Trump used the word “lovely” to describe Lisa Page, the former F.B.I. lawyer who worked on both the Clinton email and Russia investigations and whose text exchanges with another bureau official, Peter Strzok, included repeated criticism of Mr. Trump during his candidacy.

View the complete article here.