As White House questions climate change, U.S. military is planning for it

In February, the White House devised a plan to challenge the scientific consensus that the burning of fossil fuels is a main driver of climate change and poses increasingly serious economic and health threats to the United States and the world.

But so far, the rest of the federal government hasn’t helped the Trump administration in its quest.

Several agencies have informed the National Security Council, which launched the initiative, that they do not anticipate taking part. Others, including some spearheading the government’s climate research, such as NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, say that no one has contacted them about it. And last week, four top U.S. military officials testified before Congress that they continue to see climate change as a significant security threat.

View the complete April 8 article by Juliet Eilperin, Brady Dennis and Missy Ryan on The Washington Post website here.