Trump’s falsehoods about Biden’s plan for prisons

Democrats “want to get rid of the prison system. They want to — free federal housing for former inmates, so…

Mitt Romney says he’ll support moving forward with Supreme Court pick

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) announced Tuesday that he would support moving forward with a Senate vote on President Trump's selection…

Newsmax: FBI Director Slated For Dismissal By Trump After Testifying On Russian Interference

The White House is preparing a list of names for President Donald Trump to use as it prepares to replace FBI…

Trump’s ‘good genes’ comment at Bemidji rally draws condemnation

Bemidji remarks about "good genes" compared to "race science."  President Donald Trump’s praise of a nearly all white crowd’s “good…

CDC reverses statement on airborne transmission of coronavirus, says draft accidentally published

This article is being provided free of charge by The Washington Post. On Monday morning, the Centers for Disease Control…

ICYMI: Six GOP-endorsed Minnesota candidates back conspiracy theory

New reporting from the Star Tribune has revealed the extent to which the QAnon conspiracy theory has permeated the Republican…

Supreme Court’s legitimacy at stake in wake of Ginsburg’s death

Justices' actions could fuel calls to revamp the high court For a Supreme Court that seeks to defend the legitimacy…

Jeff Zucker Helped Create Donald Trump. That Show May Be Ending.

The coziness between the TV executive and Mr. Trump is a Frankenstein story for the cable news era. But then…

Trump brags to Woodward that he has ‘broken every record’ on appointing judges

When President Trump sat down in the Oval Office with author Bob Woodward for the first of 18 eventual interviews,…

GOP set to release controversial Biden report

Republicans are preparing to release a report in a matter of days on their investigation focused on former Vice President Joe Biden and…