White House unveils plan to donate 25 million vaccine doses abroad

The Biden administration on Thursday announced it will donate 25 million coronavirus doses abroad, with about three quarters of them allocated to the…

Eric Swalwell forced to hire private investigators because Rep. Mo Brooks is so scared of his subpoena

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) is so terrified of the lawsuit by Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) that he has been hiding from…

‘Raw political fear’: George Conway torches GOP lawmakers for their ‘dereliction’ on Jan 6 commission vote

George Conway is displeased with Republican lawmakers' handling of all things Trump, but he argues that there is one failed…

QAnon leader tells followers she can time travel — and ‘retribution is coming’ for Democrats: report

A QAnon adherent who claims she can time travel is whipping up her thousands of followers to carry out a…

Congress wins battle for Trump aide’s testimony, but a broader war over subpoena power goes on

Former White House counsel Donald McGahn’s interview with congressional investigators Friday will close one lingering chapter of House Democrats’crusade to…

Talk of Trump 2024 run builds as legal pressure intensifies

WASHINGTON, DC — Donald Trump was calling into yet another friendly radio show when he was asked, as he often…

Justice Dept. secretly obtained New York Times reporters’ phone records during Trump administration

The Justice Department revealed Wednesday that it had, during President Donald Trump’s administration, secretly obtained the phone records of four…

Stimulus Checks Substantially Reduced Hardship, Study Shows

Researchers found that sharp declines in food shortages, financial instability and anxiety coincided with the two most recent rounds of…

Tampa man pleads guilty to felony in Jan. 6 Capitol riot; his recommended prison sentence could set bar for other cases

A Tampa man who carried a Trump flag into the well of the Senate on Jan. 6 pleaded guilty Wednesday…

HC Commissioner Debbie Goettel (Dist. 5) Update: June 3, 2021

Hennepin Happening Welcome to the District 5 June newsletter! Scroll down to read more about Hennepin County’s Climate Action Plan…