After weeks of saying he was totally exonerated, Trump now calls Mueller report ‘total bulls—‘

The president’s rhetoric about the Mueller report has abruptly changed.

The day after the Justice Department released the Mueller report, President Donald Trump tweeted that, in his opinion, parts of the report are “total bullshit.” That’s quite a departure from Trump’s earlier comments, in which he claimed that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report was a “total exoneration” of him.

Last month, Trump repeatedly proclaimed his own exoneration after Attorney General William Barr released a memo which concluded that the Mueller report did not find the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

Donald J. Trump


No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

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However, the redacted version of the Mueller report released Thursday implied that impeachment and removal from office could be the more suitable consequence for the president’s decisions, detailed 10 instances in which the president tried to hinder the investigation into him, and revealed more information on Russia’s interference campaign.

View the complete April 19 article by Casey Quinlan on the ThinkProgress website here.

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