After Roger Stone was released from custody, his first stop was The Alex Jones Show

Stone: “There is no circumstance under which I would plead guilty to these charges. There’s no circumstance in which I would bear false witness against the president.”

President Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone’s first media appearance following his departure from a courtroom — where he was charged with several crimes related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation — was on Alex Jones’ Infowars outlet, which employs Stone as a show host.

During his appearance, Stone denied committing crimes, repeatedly promoted his legal defense fund, and promised that he would never testify against Trump.

Stone was arrested the morning of January 25 and charged with five counts of making false statements, one count of obstructing a proceeding, and one count of witness tampering. He had been under investigation by the special counsel’s office over whether he had inside information about emails hacked by Russia and then released by WikiLeaks in the 2016 election cycle.

View the complete January 25 article by Timothy Johnson on the Media Matters website here.

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